The Duffer Training Academy. (please do not delete)

*sigh, neither can i*

but, there is always lauren. he much younger. *grabs lauren by the shirt collar and pulls him back into the thread*:D
*coughs exaggeratedly and look expectently at Olorin!*

This Training Academy has fallen into a bit of disarray has it not??!! The trash cans are looking dull and we've run out of cheese wizz!!! Lieke get the polish out..... I'm off down the shops....

Hooray for the Duffers! Do you know, I've never tasted Cheese Whiz in my life? :p But you can get some at my factory, if you can't find it elsewhere. That was rather disconnected. I think. *feels befuddled*


Oh! It's the trash cans. Watch out – they'll blind you if you look at them too long.

Good job, Lieke!
Brownies. Whatever next?

Have nothing to do with them. They hid the red and blue pills in them!

They think we're crazy. They'll do anything to get us locked up. Sometimes they've succeeded. It is terrible; the insane asylum is in league against us! The very walls . . . *shudders*

Do not allow them to catch you.
*sends pigion back with responce*
sorry, but im to buisy surviving shcool at the moment. besides i dont like brownies very much and would not like to go to one. im sure someone like lauren or derny would oblige to your request.
yes, frodo lives,
yes, finally some justice! i get what i deserve!!! *lies on back and stares up to the beautifully white ceiling*

Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure even you deserve this.

*watchs as MF begins to realize what it is that the walls are doing* :D
WHAT!?!?!?! The asylum is in Scotland!?!?!? No wonder all the men wear skirts.... This means then I am within an hour's drive from MF's peril and thus I could quite easily bring the plate of brownies sitting on my desk to her and rescue her... but I am very tired and so will let her suffer. Sorry our kid :(, just be nice to the walls and they may be nice to you - they like beeswax, but not the kind you get from bee hives, the kind you get from Olorin's ears.