The Duffer Training Academy. (please do not delete)

miht I buut in cuz I c wrer decinding on whicth of whitch 2 speek.Chineess,brithish,or missspelled?I stronly agrere that we shuld be spellin In misspeld chines in a british acecnt,It works,trust me,jus remeber ,go 2 skoll,cuz skool makes u sooper samrt!:)
AY!WUt bout SPekin chinese in a british accent misseld.Cuz if itn ainytnot misspeled I not happpyyy,I f I nat hap;pty nobyd happy,Wen I HappY

LoL, we need you to join our war against the misspellers!!! Pretty please?:D
Hehe...I'm not on enough to be particularly useful... :D

And WHB, you know, no one was accusing Derny of not living anywhere. It was me they were insulting. (particularly my brother *cough*). Because, we all know that Derny DOES live here! That's almost an indisputable fact. :D