The Duffer Training Academy. (please do not delete)

Is that to counteract people saying "I don't believe in fairies"?


Someone just saw Peter Pan :rolleyes:

And yeah it is, and never say that again

Yup...Peter Pan...YAY!

*Peter Pan voice* Every time you say that a fairy somewhere falls down dead! :eek:

...too late :o

OH NO YOU DIDN'T! *slaps HB with a stick* don't make me bring out the slippers!

Did you already kill the fairies, HB? Gonna have them for dinner now?

Don't give him ideas!

oh mommy, oh daddy...I am a big old baddy! Oh mommy, oh daddy...I am a big old baddy!

tell us something we DIDN'T know...

Fred the Box, you mean. Yeah, I don't think Fred has central heating yet... :D

Never thought of that...wouldn't he live somewhere warm then, like...I don't know...Africa?

but... little question... how does fred feel about that? *whacks microphone in fred's face*

*fred eats micerofone*
yah, iv been sent there many times since i joined this forum. i think the order of the can has something against me...:rolleyes:
nah that's just a lame excuse.

really, fred the box is made of wood from the african rain forest and he fears the native's revenge...
How can a Box, a pet, a house and a best friend be made of wood?:rolleyes: *sigh* we all know that's impossible, right...
Anyone made it to the insane asylum yet?
No, one day i decided to go there, but i couldn't get out of this room, and the people in white coats who were outside (and bring me my food everyday) told me that i couldn't go. Then i told them i wanted to find the insane asylum, but they just wrote things down on their papers. I believe it was something like 'patient is now dellusional and lost all sense of places', but i don't get any of it... Who's the patient?

Ideas, anyone?
oh yes, oh yes, as the responsible doctor i do have ideas but i've given up telling you.
eat flowers, it's the least dangerous activity for you *gives lieke candy flowers and don't go near that button! I SAID DON'T!!!
I made it to the insane asylum! But then HB told me I couldn't come in because I didn't know where the Uber Turnip was, so I went back and went to bed, and woke up...

Strange though, HB has no recollection of telling me that...