The Duffer Training Academy. (please do not delete)

Dear Dr Freckles,

I've sent you my bank account number. I can't find a philosopher. I have penguinphobia, will that be a problem? My cat ate my sock. My red one too, the one that tastes like turkey. Do you eat socks? I only eat clean ones.

Waiting for help,

P.S. I think my brother is trying to take over the world, do you think you could help with that?
Dear Dr Freckles,

I'm a Ms. L. I do posts as much as I could in the Dufferland, does that make me a duffer? Is being a duffer good or bad? Thank you for your help.


P.S. The Scots seem to be taking over the world, can you do something about it, I think I'd prefer my brother in charge.
*reports to Doctor*

Miss Freckles and Lossëndil are still in the insane asylum, but now they've switched from acting like Laurel and Hardy to Doctor and Patient. I think you might be affecting them, Doc. Anyway, i've wrote down all of their conversations, in case you wanted to take a look at them, and for now i've released some red ants looking for humans to bite in there, so they might be a bit distracted.
Dear Dr Freckles,

There seem to be some red ants running around. They are eating up my socks. My turkey flavored one is already gone. Could you get me another turkey flavored one?

You said that "Being a Duffer means being in need of medical help but not getting any because therapeuts are scared of you." But you don't seem to be scared of me. Does that mean I'm not a Duffer? I'd like to be a duffer. Are you a duffer?

*large hole in paper because of red ants*


P.S. Park 'n' Shop refused to sell me any brain soup, I'm afraid he'll have to do without.

P.P.S. How do I give you money? I don't even know who you are or where you live?

DUDES AND DUDETTS!Like this is my first hrismas in like,my entire life.I cant frikin wait!HAPPY CHRisMAS duffers! I a duffer?:(:confused:
Dear Ms L,

I can't believe you are actually in a worse state than before. Now you have developed two personalities, one as "Ms L" and one as "SG". I can't work like that!

Concerning your socks: DO I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO??? I am your therapeut not your ebay! And I don't have any munny. You'll gettem for christmas, alright?
And the red ants are called nosebleeding. Nothing to worry about. I just got a little impatient with you yesterday...

Well, if therapeuts are scared of Duffers and you're not scaring me, there's two possibilities
1. you are not a Duffer (I wouldn't shatter all my work by telling you that)
2. I am not a therapeut (think about it... but not too long or I'll have to brainwash you too)

Dr Freckles

PS: Well, in that case I'll get the local brainwash to do it... only this place smells of rotting brainsoap *uargh*

PPS: There's a reason why my patients don't get my whereabouts... only my bank account number :D

Dear Dr. Freckles,

I have more than just two personalities. Some times I'm the ship's boy on the Dawn Treader. Except I'm a girl, thus Ship's Girl. Other times I'm an elf in middle earth, Lossendil. I also happen to be one of the X-men, and the cousin of Malfoy, and Captain Ash of a pirate ship, and international spy.... You want me to go on?

And forget the turkey flavored sock, I found a chocolate flavored one that tastes even better. Did I ever mention I get hyper around chocolate?

I'm sorry I can't write more, I'm busy posting over at the 100,000 posts thread.

See you,
Hobbit doesn't type like a 1-year-old...
HAHA!Very funny.NO i just advanced very quickly,I can also walk talk and do areobics.Na jk.but I cant wait IM 13 no joke by the way.SO!WHo wants caremel covered popcorn?I duno last time I had some I didnt feel so good.WHo likes popcorn.I WANT UR OPINIONS!OH and Orlin u still owe me an arm,it just wont grow back and I am havin the hardest time with this jelly!Who likes jelly?:)
Dear Ms L,

don't treat me as if I were your buddy, please. *mr crabbs voice* I just want your money!
By the way, having many personalities can be very useful (for example when trying to steal the cheese whiz, but don't tell).

And it's normal normal to get hyper from chocolate.
Because chocolate triggers the release of endorphins - gives us the feeling of being in love.

And go on posting in the 100000 post thread. It's good therapy.
Merry Christmas,
Dr Freckles

PS: Greetings from you brother. He enjoys herding scottish sheep :D

Dear Dr. Freckles,

How am I supposed to give you my money????

Thank you for helping me, I'm feeling a lot better. I do think I'll have a nice Christmas.

Merry Christmas,
Read This Before Its 2 Late

:DOK THATS ENOUGH!Jelly is da bomb!BUt not plain,with pppppenut bunter.:)so I dont mean to over hear your conversation but while u guys are.....talking.....I could really use some a poor mouse:o.OH and were having mosst poster award.U all have till the of december have till tomroe.Todays thursday....till friday to post as much as u can and I will give out first second,and third place.All of u will get a suprise!