fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Jan 28, 2008 #961 dont worry, lauren is probably impressed
Dernhelm Lady of Rohan Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Jan 28, 2008 #962 *wonders when people will stop wondering and find something else to do...*
Lady of Lorien New member Jan 28, 2008 #964 Dernhelm said: Wonders where she lives... Click to expand... HERE! *wonders where "here" is, given the fact that cyberspace makes an odd location...*
Dernhelm said: Wonders where she lives... Click to expand... HERE! *wonders where "here" is, given the fact that cyberspace makes an odd location...*
Olórin the Wise New member Jan 28, 2008 #965 Are you a virtual personality, then? *thinks* Nah. Virtual personalities can't hit like that.
fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Feb 4, 2008 #967 *is to lazy to go to page for so simply wonders what "it" was*
Dernhelm Lady of Rohan Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Feb 4, 2008 #970 But maybe 'it' was the giant fruit that's sneaking up behind you right now! *Muhahahaha*
Isabell New member Feb 4, 2008 #971 Dernhelm said: But maybe 'it' was the giant fruit that's sneaking up behind you right now! *Muhahahaha* Click to expand... and how are you not a duffer when you post things as pointless as that?
Dernhelm said: But maybe 'it' was the giant fruit that's sneaking up behind you right now! *Muhahahaha* Click to expand... and how are you not a duffer when you post things as pointless as that?
Dernhelm Lady of Rohan Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Feb 4, 2008 #972 Note that I am leaving things open for other people to do the Duffering.
Isabell New member Feb 4, 2008 #973 no you just did the duffering, if you were leaving it open you wouldn't have posted.
Dernhelm Lady of Rohan Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Feb 4, 2008 #974 *points at the 'maybe' in the fruit post*
Isabell New member Feb 4, 2008 #975 no you were still duffering, you may have also made it possible for other to duffer to, but you still duffered.
no you were still duffering, you may have also made it possible for other to duffer to, but you still duffered.
Dernhelm Lady of Rohan Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Feb 5, 2008 #978 That depends on how you define Duffering. *is glad she's somewhat of an authority* *evil grin*
Olórin the Wise New member Feb 5, 2008 #979 You can't be an authority on Duffering unless you're a Duffer. So hah!
Nightfire New member Feb 5, 2008 #980 im not a duffer yet, right? im still in training. woopie. when do i become a duffer??