The Elements

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This is going to be an RP on guys and girls who have the power of the "elements" fire,water,air,and so forth. I am writing a book about 5 girls who do have the power of the elements. You can create your own character guy or girl all I need to know is this:

Pic: [optional]

Here is mine:

Name: Destiny Pyralis Rose
Hair color:Brown
Eye Color:BLue unless using her powers then they are orange.
Power: Fire
Bio: Destiny was born to the King and Queen of Fire. She has now siblings. She loves to shoot archery, horseback ride and practice controling her powers.

I like this one better
Other: Shy around boys.
I will update the update later!
Other characters
Pyralis- Destiny's mother,Queen of ______
Aramis-Destiny's Father, King of _________.



Character details and their players:

Destiny Rose, age 18, Princess from Fire Kingdom. Power: Fire. Horse: Fury

Terran, age 17, Power: Earth, Travels on a Rock.

Saphire Rose, 18, Princess. Power: Water. Horse: Flame
(Aslans Messanger)

Sienna Elizabeth, 17. Princess from West Kingdom. Power: Air.Horse: Boleyn

Acela Ladden, 20. Humble girl from Woodland Kingdom. Power: Lightning. Horse: Bolt

Kathryn (Kate) Herbert, 14. Magician’s apprentice. Power: Air. Horse: Demon

Christie, 18. Traveler. Power: Ice. Horse: Sunflash.

Arcturus Rain, 21. Farmer from North Lariat Kingdom. Power: Water. Horse: Rapidan

Leila, 20, Queen of The Southern Desert. Power: Plasma. Horse: Busphalis.

The Storyline:

All characters received a supernatural call or summon. Each one was called in a different way (they were all awesome summons, if you care to go back and read them). Each one was told, or felt the urge to travel to the Kingdom of Alastair, to the Great City of Cross, which is at the ocean’s edge and very far from their homes.
No character knew that others were called, and each one is slowly finding out that others are traveling in response to similar calls or impulse to travel. They still don’t know why. The storyline supposes they are going to have to unite and combine their powers to defeat some evil, but that has not been revealed to them yet.

This is what has happened so far:

Sienna, Acela, Terran, and Arcturus already found each other and traveled together the last few miles to Cross. Right now they are at the outskirts of the city trying to decide what to do.
Saphire and Christy were last heard traveling together on their way to Cross, but at this point we don’t know what happened. Maybe they got separated again. For all we know, they may even already be in the City, wandering around.
Kathryn (Kate) was the first one to make it to Cross, and she has been wandering the city streets and alleys for at least a day now.
Destiny also made it to the city. She spent some time playing at the beach. Probably because she is from the Fire Kingdom and had never seen so much water before. She later decided to move into the city and just happened to bump into Kate. Supposedly each still does not know that the other was also called to Cross.
They don't know anything about Leila, yet.

And that’s were the story is right now.

If anyone else cares to join, go ahead, but we need more boy characters.

Arcturus and Acela went into the city proper looking for food and clues to their call. They left Sienna and Terran asleep in a cabin of earth made by Terran last night. As they began to travel the first streets, they met the feisty Queen of the Southern Desert, Leila. Leila was, naturally, suspicious of two strangers on horseback and she almost gets in lightning fight with Acela. After being reassured that Arcturus and Acela are friends, all three are discussing what to do next.
Destiny and Kate are already talking to each other in the streets of Cross.

We still don't know anything about Saphire and Christi, who were last heard traveling together. They could be anywhere right now. For all we know they are probably not even traveling together.

*Thanks BarbarianKing for the write up!!! And Dayhawk68 for The Elements Banner
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ok thanks. hmmmm.... Which one.....

Name: Terran
Age: 17
Power: Earth mainly uses, Earth Manipulation, Turn to Dust (Rarely uses this power)
Bio: Has an older brother, Loves to tease boys but she does it because she is actually scared of boys, Loves to dance and sword fight, (Is this an ok bio?)
Pic: See below. :}
Other: Scared of boys. :}


  • Dust.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 264
I would like to join!
Name: Siphire Rose
Age: 19
Power: Water
Bio: Is a princess but dosn't know it. Loves riding horses, and swiming!
Looks: Tall, long brown hair, and shocking blue eye's.
Other: Shy around boys.
This sounds cool! I would love to join!

Name: Sienna Elizabeth (goes by Sisi)
Age: 17
Power: Air
Bio: Loves to read, is rather quiet, she is born of royal descent.
Looks: Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark Brown - She is rather small and has very pale skin. Her hair goes to the bottom of her shoulder blades.
Other: She is really loud and outgoing once you get to know her. She is definitly shy around boys.
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Can I play? (i never seem to grow up, lol)

Name: Arcturus Rain

Gender: Boy
Age: 21
Power: Water
Looks: Brown Hair, Green eyes, simple clothes.

Arcturus is a poor farmer's son who is just happy to use his power to help his father and his neighbors with irrigating their crops. Arcturus of course doesn't just uses his power and waters everything. He comes up with new ideas and techniques to help all farmers. That way, even when he is not around, farmers should be able to properly irrigate their crops.

Other: He is shy and quiet. At times, he can't help but think that he has a greater destiny than just helping poor farmers, but for now, he is happy to do just that.
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lol. Your right, everyone seems to be a little on the shy side....;)
I cant wait to start this RPG it sounds really interesting. Is there any sort of story line that is to be followed??

OK These are awesome! I hope we can start soon. So far we have:
Destiny Rose [me]
Terran [Nightcrawler_fan]
Siphire Rose [Aslans_Messenger]
Sienna Elizabeth (Sisi)[josie_caspian91]
Arcturus Singerwood [BarbarianKing]

Destiny is also like the other some of the others Royal :D
What about this:

All live in different areas of certain land, country, kingdom, etc. and they don't know each other.
All of them, individually, begin to feel that they are called to go someplace, maybe in dreams, visions, prophecies, or just an urge to leave where they are and travel in certain direction. Lets say towards the center of the Empire.

For example, lets say my character Arcturus meets a strange old woman who tells him about a city, and that he must be in that city on a certain day and at a certain hour and his destiny will be revealed there. He must travel there.
From that moment on, Arcturus feels the urge to go to that city but a lot of things happen before he can leave, besides, people are telling him he is crazy and that the woman never really existed, etc.

So everyone gets called, in a different way to go to that place and everyone prepares and takes the journey in a different way.

Lets now say that once we are all there in the city, we find out that we were called to unite against an evil coming to destroy the empire etc. and we must find out how to use our powers to destroy this evil.

To add more excitement, lets say that not everyone is happy about this, so the team we form is not really a happy team, things begin to happen amongst all that threatens to tear the team apart.

Lets also say that two characters fight to try to keep the team together and show everyone that we need to be united against this evil, otherwise everything and everyone will die.

In the end, we all unite and combine our powers to defeat this evil. The end. or is it?

what you all say?
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Also, having every character be called to that one place, to meet at a certain day (though they don't know they are going to meet others) will allow each person to come in and introduce their characters and go through the motions of preparing for their journey and destiny without having to wait for others to come all at the same time.

Another advantage is that we can make up a lot of situations in that will result in them meeting, like "coincidences" or maybe both defending an innocent person, or being put together in Jail only to discover they were all called here.

The possibilities are endless.
I like it.......I'll start off.

Destiny stood on the balcony outside of the Coronation Hall overlooking the river of fire lava. The silver [gold] crown encircled her head. She moved her brown-orange eyes to the distant mountains and wondered what was beyond,what the people were like. She fealt a small tug within her to find what was out in the world.
I like it.......I'll start off.

Destiny stood on the balcony outside of the Coronation Hall overlooking the river of fire lava. The silver [gold] crown encircled her head. She moved her brown-orange eyes to the distant mountains and wondered what was beyond,what the people were like. She fealt a small tug within her to find what was out in the world.

OOC: Perfect!! Everyone can start their own individual urge to travel and their own journey. I have to go right now but will be back in a couple of hours to post my begining.
To DestiniLies: I am changing the last name of my character to Rain, instead of Singerwood. So his name is Arcturus Rain now.
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OOC: Here's mine:

Arcturus was, as usually, out in the fields working on the irrigation system he had devised that would allow his father's crops, as well as that of his neighbors be watered in a most efficient manner.

Arcturus knew that most farmers appreciated what he was doing for them, but there were a few who wished he would just use his power to just water the fields in one fell swoop and be done with it.

Arcturus, did not want to use this element like that. He preferred to work with it, ask the element's permission, even, and to use it in a gentle way. He hated to abuse his power and always said a little prayer before he used the water.

While he was busy working on a system that would actually allow water to flow "up" a little hill (with a little help from his power, of course) he distinctly heard someone calling his last name:


He immediately stood up, and looked this way and that, but there was no one around.

"Only my mother calls me Rain, but that was not the voice of my mother."

There was no one around for miles, that he could see, only great clouds in the distance. Clouds that contained more water than he was capable of handling now. But again:

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hey is it too late to join? =PP
Not at all!!
Go to the first page and look at the basics of the role play and come up with a character.
Then come back to this page and look up to the proposed storyline and get started! Cool!
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