The Elements

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Wow, the intros sound great so far. YAY more people lol :D

Ok, here we go with Sienna's intro:
BTW: I have changed my mind: Sienna is going to be a princess, not just of "royal descent" like I said earlier. (shocker huh?)

Sienna was laying on the cold marble floor of her room. She rolled on to her back and put her arms behind her head and heavy sighed. Today was the day that her father was coming home from the East Kingdom. She heard a clanging outside. Sienna bolted to her feet and ran to the window "Oh no," she sighed.

"Sisi!" her mother called as there was a knock at the door. "Yes mother" she replied as she turned around.

"Sisi, you know who that is don't you?" Sienna knew exactly who it was. It was the Prince of the East Kingdom, Edward.
"Yes mother," She sighed. "Mother why on earth is he here?" She whispered.
"Your father must've made agrrangements, you know your father is so interested in the East Kingdom. Do this for him Sienna."
Sienna huffed and went and changed into her burgandy and gold gown. How she was going to dread this afternoon. If it was to go as her father wanted, she would never be allowed to see the world. That was all she wanted. She wanted to explore new Kingdoms, travel to exotic places, not just her kingdom.

I have more, but I am off to dance for a few hours. I will be back :D
Name: Kathryn (Kate) Herbert
Age: 14
Power: Air
Bio: After realizing that she had a power, she fled home and now resides at one magician's home on the outskirts of the countryside, learning more each day about herself and what she is capable. She is still unstable but very eager and curious about air and what it can do.

Other: Outgoing, totally outrageous and spontaneous. Loves making people laugh. Very social.

Kathryn looked around her, trying to decide whether she should wake up Professor Jinn or not. She knew that he said that he needed all the rest that he could get, but for some reason, Kathryn felt jumpier than usual. She got out of bed and forced the window open with force of the wind rather than walking across the room. Pleased with herself, she began to get dressed when she heard a knock at the front door.

That's odd... she thought to herself. By the time she opened the door, there was no one there - just a simple, plain letter - adressed to her.

She picked it up cautiously, not sure of what to do with it. She finally decided to bring it in and show it to Professor Jinn. He knew what to do in these kinds of situations.

Kathryn started on the breakfast - she had always been a good cook. She was preparing some toast when Professor Jinn strode in, his brows furrowed. He was deep in thought.

"Good morning, Professor," Kathryn smiled.

Professor Jinn just nodded and grumbled. Kathryn poured him some tea and explained the situation with the letter. He just stared at it and thought for a long while. Kathryn returned to the food, and just as she was getting the plates out, she noticed he was reading it.

"Interesting..." he said, folding it back up. "Do you know that you have just recieved a tuition offer from one of the best magic schools in the world?"

Kathryn's jaw dropped.
ooc: Here is mine!!
ic: Sapire lived by the sea all by herself. She didn't really know who her parents were because they had both died when she was just a baby. She was riding back to shore on a dolphin who was one of her best friends! When she could feel sand under her feet she jumped off kissed the dophin on the nose and said "I will see you tommorw crystal!". Then she ran up into the green hills. Her long hair was starting to dry as she ran into the wind. Far ahead she heared a loud high piched scream. She started to smile and imitated the scream. When she came to the top of the hill she saw a red stallion standing on the next hilltop. "Flame!" she yelled and the horse answerd with a loud whinnie. When her and the horse met she flung her arms around the horses neck and kissed its neck. "I missed you boy" she said as the horse leaned against her. She was just about to get on Flame when she thought she heard someone calling her name. "No one else lives around here but me" she said to herself. She got onto Flame and was about to go back to the ocean when she heard her name again. She then her a strange sound that she had never heard before. She turned Flame twords the sound and pushed him into a gallop. She didn't know where she was going but she felt as if someone needed her.

IC: "That's strange, why do I feel as if those faraway clouds are calling me?"
*to the clouds in a loud voice*
"Yeah, that was stupid, as IF the clouds could hear me!"
But immediately, as if in answer, he saw lighting spread out from one end of the cloud formation to the next, then, a faint sliver of lighting racing from the clouds to the ground. The clouds were so far away that the sound of the thunder took at least 20 full seconds to reach him:

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Wow, these intros are awesome! This sounds like its going to be good!

Here is where I left off:
Sienna huffed and went and changed into her burgandy and gold gown. How she was going to dread this afternoon. If it was to go as her father wanted, she would never be allowed to see the world. That was all she wanted. She wanted to explore new Kingdoms, travel to exotic places, not just her kingdom.

And here is where I will continue:)
Sienna was in the midst of getting her hair braided by her nurse, Carlotta, when she went to grab her gold hair pin. There was a sudden gust of wind. "Carlotta, will you please go and close that window there is a draft and I dont want Sienna getting a cold." Said her mother. Carlotta dropped Sienna's hair and went to check the window when she realized that it wasn't open. "I beg your pardon your majesty" Carlotta began "but the window isnt open." Sienna turned around and looked at her mother, and her mother had a blank expression on her face. Her mother said nothing. Sienna returned to look in the mirror in front of her and Carlotta took her hair once more.

'That was very odd,' thought Sienna. She wanted to move her arm once more but was almost scared to. But there was this odd feeling within her that she couldnt quite explain.

"Carlotta please try to finish with Sienna quickly. I will go down and greet the men." She pecked her daughters head and swiftly went out the door.

The instant that her mother was out the door Sienna moved her hand slowly and a light breeze like feeling swept the room. She smiled to herself.
"Mistress Sisi, may I have a word with you?" Carlotta said quietly.
"Of course! What is it? OH! Are you going to help me fall deathly ill so I dont have to talk to that dreadful Edward?" she said with a bright smile.
"No no, miss. Mistress Sisi, wave your hand again" Carlotta said with a hopeful smile.
Sienna lifted her arm up and moved it in a swaying motion. The tapestries on the walls danced in the air and the curtains looked as if they were flying.
Sienna's blue eyes lit up. "Carlotta, you know whats going on dont you?" Sienna said with a small giggle. She was truly excited. Carlotta explained to her about her powers. "But miss, with that said you need to keep your arms down as much as you can and not to move to suddenly. If it happens at dinner just ignore it as if you didnt feel anything." Carlotta then leaned to Sienna's ear "Maybe you can send Edward home in a windstorm, but I will talk to you about that later." She winked and opened the door for Sienna.

There we go, Sienna now knows she has lovely little powers. Exciting isnt it?! LOL. Well off to bed for moi. Night :D
Here's mine. I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish it before I have to go.

Terran ran out of her house. But a gust of wind drove her back towards the house. "Stop it." She told her brother lifting her hand making a rock fly at his head. "Where are you going?" He asked in his over protective way he had. "I don't know but I tell you if I go to far." Terran replied running towards the woods

Got to go will add more later.
Wow these are awesome!!!! Here's more of mine:

Destiny looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was near her as usual her Royal guard was standing a few feet away. She sighed. "Flame." She spoke the young man's name.

"Yes,Princess?" Flame stepped towards her.

Destiny looked up at the boy, she knew he had been in love with her since they were little,and she trusted him. "Can I tell you something?" She asked.

Flame nodded.

"I want to leave. I feel something calling me out of here. Out of the Fire Kingdom. But I can't with you standing here. I don't want you to get in trouble." She told him.

Flame sighed. "I don't want you getting hurt." He said.

"I'll be fine." Destiny told him. It took her fifteen minutes to convince him to let her go. Finaly Flame sighed once more.

"OK, Your Highness, go. Please, come back safely." Flame looked down into her eyes. "I want to see you again."

Destiny smiled at him. She laid her small hand on her friends shoulder, stood up on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks,Flame.I'll find a way not to have them blame you."

Then she took off, leaping over the banister and landing lightly on the ground. She ran as fast as she could towards the mountains that were calling her name. Destiny...Destiny...
Arcturus went back home, confused and wondering about what he had just experienced.

"It was just my imagination," he said to himself. "It was real thunder and I only thought it was calling my name. Those thunderheads were far away, beyond those mountains, possibly close to that Kingdom On The Sea that I've heard rumors about. I might have imagined that they actually said my name."

Arriving home, he founds his mother waiting at the door of their little cottage. He looks happy because his mother always treats him good. because of this, he at times has fights with the other farmer's kids because they think he is a "mama's boy" as they call him.

This time, his mother has a different expression in her face.

"Mother, what is it? This is not usually you. At least, not when I return from the fields."

"I know, son," she says. "But today is a special day. A sad, but special day nonetheless."

"I don't understand," answered Arcturus.

"Did anything unusual happened today?" asked his mother.

"As a matter of fact it did, mother, but how would you know?"
His mother, in a quiet voice asks:

"Can you make sure we are alone? Close the doors and come into your room. We need to talk."
Terran entered the woods and took a deep breath. She loved the woods. She walked until she came to a large boulder. She stood on it and the boulder started to rise. She rode the boulder through the skies watching the earth race below her. All of a sudden she saw a small dust cloud below her. She lowered her rock so she could look at it. She entered the dust cloud and as she did voices errupted in her mind. "Terran, Terran, Come with us, Terran." Terran stood motionless. She slowly raised her hand and a small handful of dust flew through the air towards her house. It would tell her brother she was going. She climbed back on her rock surrounded by dust and flew into the air following the dust.

How's that?
awesome Nightcrawler!

I made it up in my previous post that Arcturus may be traveling to a faraway kingdom by the coast (Kingdom By The Sea).
Do you all agree to travel there? to a city by the sea? Something like traveling to Cair Paravel from different parts of Narnia, so our characters will be traveling there from different parts of their world.

Would you like that? And if you do, can someone give a name to the Kingdom, and the city we are all being called to? Since everyone is preparing to leave their homes, I think we need to know where we are going.
Destiny should pick the names, since this is her RP. Is that ok?
Can I join?

ooc: I'm sure you can!

ic: Saphire started riding through the town that was about 20 miles away from the sea. As she came to the back of the town she stopped to look at the castle. "You know Flame" she said to the horse "I feel bad for any girl who has to live in a castle. The have to stay clean and cant go swimming or ride horses!" What she didn't know was that she was supposed to be liveing in that very castle! She rode out of the town and stopped on more time on the top of a hill where she could see the sea and waved to it. She then turned Flames head tword the south and pushed him into a gallop.
Ok thanks.

Name: Christie
Age: 18
Power: Ice
Bio: Is a born traveler, very outgoing
Looks: Short blond hear, hazel eyes

Christie road her horse up the dusty path the waves splashing at her horses hooves. on the road up ahead she saw a girl on a horse wave at the ocean so she looked but she didn't see anything. She hadn't seen anybody for a long time so she galloped and was soon riding beside the girl.
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