The Elements

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"Flame...that fits him well" She said noting his color. Mine's name is Sunflash
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Trisscar:Welcome to the RP. How were you called to go to wherever you are going? We would like to know (The storyline is on page 2, did you see it?).
And it is cool that both your character and Sapphire found each other. You both can decide when to let each other know that you have the urge to travel to the kingdom and city that Destiny should name soon.
ooc:whats teh city called where we're all meeting?

Kathryn gulped and looked at the professor. "I'm guessing I should go pack my bags."

"Only if you want to go," he said, his voice thick with sadness.

Kathryn got up and looked out the window, thinking. She walked up to Professor Jinn and hugged him before going to get her bags ready. As soon as she finished packing and preparing herself for the journey ahead, she returned to the table where he sat.

"I guess I should go," she said.

ooc: I don't know what to say because i dont know where she's going. i want the school to be where they all meet
ooc: I don't know what to say because i dont know where she's going. i want the school to be where they all meet

OOC: Yes, that is the point. I PMd Destiny on this, let's hope she comes back soon to name it, otherwise, we will have to do it. Let's give her a bit more time. I will PM her again.
Hello all. I cant wait to hear what city/destination we are all going to :D

Here is where I left off the other day:
Sienna's blue eyes lit up. "Carlotta, you know whats going on dont you?" Sienna said with a small giggle. She was truly excited. Carlotta explained to her about her powers. "But miss, with that said you need to keep your arms down as much as you can and not to move to suddenly. If it happens at dinner just ignore it as if you didnt feel anything." Carlotta then leaned to Sienna's ear "Maybe you can send Edward home in a windstorm, but I will talk to you about that later." She winked and opened the door for Sienna.

And...Here is where I am going to continue :D
Sienna heavy sighed as she walked down the winding staircase. She heard voices coming towards the landing and stood waiting. Her father turned the corner, "Father!" she cried and ran up to him.
"My little Sisi, how I missed you!" He said and he hugged his daughter tightly.
She stepped back with a smile. She noticed that behind her father, coming down the hall was Edward. Her the light in her smile dwindled. Her father stepped aside.
"Ah! My good sir, Edward. You remember my daughter, Sienna, dont you?" Her father flashed an encouraging smile to Sienna.
"How could I forget her, your majesty." He bowed and kissed Sienna's hand.
Sienna curtsied to Edward and brought her hand back. Her father clapped his hands together, "I think its time for us to take a nice brisk walk outside before dinner. How does that sound?"
As much as Sienna didnt want to walk with Edward, there was something inside her pulling her outside.
"That sounds like a nice idea sir." Edward said, "Miss. Sienna, would you like to accompany me on this lovely outing?"
"Um, of course, sir." Sienna said quietly. He took his arm in hers and began to walk towards the door.
They walked around the gardens, Edward talking about the East Kingdom, Sienna ploitely nodding the whole time, not fully paying attention.
"Did you hear that?" Sienna said as she stopped. Edward looked at her, and then looked around.
"What did you hear Miss. Sienna? I didnt hear anything."
"Someone called my name, but it was as if they were singing." She looked up into the tree and around again. The voice came again but Sienna didnt say anything. She finally pieced it together. Everytime she would hear the voice, there would be a breeze, it was her powers calling her. But where were they calling her to?

Wow, this is really getting me into writing. I am thinking of starting a new story...YAY. But, enough of that, off to bed I go. Night night :D:D
I hope destiny comes back soon. If not, then I don't think she will mind if anyone else names both the KINGDOM, and CITY where we are going!
Destiny ran towards the mountains that seemed to be calling her. She stopped and looked back towards the castle, seeing a flame signal she smiled. Flame was telling her to be careful.

She kept running to the mountains. When she heard hoof beats behind her she turned around scared that it was the royal guard sent by her father to bring her back, but she smiled when she saw what it was.

"Fury!" She spoke her horses name. The Palomino mare troted up to her. She reached out her hand and stroked the horses nose, holding up her skirts she mounted the horse bareback. "Thanks Flame." She whispered as she spurred the horse into a canter.

They rode hard for a time finaly stopping in a small grove of trees. Destiny dismounted and walked through the trees. Fury followed.

Destiny gasped when she stepped out of the woods. She saw a small [ooc: not a castle but a small 'fort' type thing] and walked towards it.

She noticed it was on the edge of a cliff once she got around it. She saw the ocean and for the first time in her life Destiny jumped lightly onto the sand and ran to the ocean. Fury had stopped and was grazing on the lush grass.

Destiny ran into the water.....

ooc:BarbarianKing sending you a PM!
The professor nodded. Kathryn couldn't help it and hugged the professor before sighing and walking out the door. Using the last of all her weak strength that she could muster up, she forced the wind to push her towards the small stable.

Walking through the small area to her horse was easy. She pet her horse, a white stallion named Demon, before grabbing a map out of a small sack of belongings she kept whenever she embarked on journeys.

She found the city of Cross easily, it was a huge dot on the small map. Kathryn traced with her finger the paths she would take and the detours she knew of. Then she nodded and tucked away the sheet before getting everything ready.

By noon, she was on Demon, sitting outside of the house. The professor had left an hour before to go to the market. She gulped in the cold air and then began riding towards the main road. Demon had it easy with Kathryn - she sometimes forced the wind underneath them so that it would be easier on her horse during the ride.
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