The Elements

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"Well, let me tell you what happened," said Arcturus, putting away the uneaten food. I was out in the fields when I heard someone calling me Rain, which is what my mother calls me. Only, this was not the voice of my mother, it was something loud, like thunder, only thunder does not sound like "RAIN! It sounds, BOOM!" said Arcturus.

"Well, anyway, my mother said I should follow that voice, that it was my destiny."
"But to answer your question, Acela, yes, I do have power over water. And you?"
"Well, let me tell you what happened," said Arcturus, putting away the uneaten food. I was out in the fields when I heard someone calling me Rain, which is what my mother calls me. Only, this was not the voice of my mother, it was something loud, like thunder, only thunder does not sound like "RAIN! It sounds, BOOM!" said Arcturus.

"Well, anyway, my mother said I should follow that voice, that it was my destiny."
"But to answer your question, Acela, yes, I do have power over water. And you?"

"Well, I was just doing chores when I heard a whisper saying, "Acela, hurry, it's time," it happened twice, so I talked to my father about it for a minute, and he said I needed to follow the whispers.
I have power over Light, but noone else in my kingdom has a power."she said.
"Water, lighting, thunder, and whispers? Do you think this could mean something?"
"Never mind, Acela. I am following this wooded route which is close to the ocean, I love the water, and I love to stay as close to water as possible. I have been following mostly river routes, but now that the ocean is close by, I intend to continue along the coast until I reach the City of Cross. Do you mind traveling that route with me?"
"Never mind, Acela. I am following this wooded route which is close to the ocean, I love the water, and I love to stay as close to water as possible. I have been following mostly river routes, but now that the ocean is close by, I intend to continue along the coast until I reach the City of Cross. Do you mind traveling that route with me?"

"I don't mind, Bolt and I could use some friends."she said standing up.
"Good, let's saddle our horses and get going. My mother said there was no time to lose, but you know, people always talk like that. All the same, I want to get to the city as soon as possible."
Sienna changed into her purple and silver riding gowns and put her black cloak over top. Her mother came into her room.
"Sienna you are taking far to long!" Her mother started helping her get ready. She pulled Sienna's hair into a long braid. "You have your maps correct?"
"Yes mother." Sienna turned around. "Mother why do I have to go? I dont understand."
"Sweetheart, you will find out. I need you to trust Carlotta and myself ok? I promise you, you will be fine."
The wind began to pick up. Sienna looked out the window.
"Miss. Sienna, Boleyn is ready for you." Carlotta popped her head in the door.
Her mother pulled her into a tight hug and whispered in her ear, "Be safe. I love you Sisi." She pulled away and kissed her daughters forehead. Sienna took her mothers hands. "I love you mum." She walked away with Carlotta and let go of her mothers hands.

Carlotta talked to Sienna all the way to the stables. They went out the back way so that no one could see them, Sienna's heart was pounding.
Boleyn was ready, her black coat shining. Sienna kissed her nose. She slowly turned around and saw Carlotta watching her. Sienna ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "I love you Carlotta, thank you for everything." Carlotta kissed her cheek and helped her up on to Boleyn.

Sienna had been riding for quite a while now, the wind wasnt as bad as it was when she left, yet it was still breezy. She was reading her map, still not sure at all where she was. She suddenly heard people talking. She stopped.
"Good, let's saddle our horses and get going. My mother said there was no time to lose, but you know, people always talk like that. All the same, I want to get to the city as soon as possible."

"As do I"she said brushing off her skirt, then mounting her horse. She heard another horse.
"You heard right, Acela, there is another rider coming," said Arcturus, opening his water canteen."
Acturus could, in an emergency, handle a fairly good amount of water and make it do a whip-like motion to disorient and possibly disable an attacker.
Boleyn continued to go forward. "Boleyn stop it! We dont know if these people are good! " Sienna whispered as she tried to stop Boleyn. Suddenly Boleyn decided to rise to her hind legs. Sienna hit the floor with a thud.
"Who goes there!" Said Arcturus in a firm voice. "Rider, please do not fear, we are friends. You may approach."
Sienna shook her head. "I'm so sorry to disturb you. I'll get back on my horse and leave, but can you maybe help me?" Sienna slowly stood up, now definitly feeling the pain of the fall. "I was wondering if either of you could tell me how to get to the City of Cross?"
"Really?" Sienna said shocked to hear that they were going there as well. "I'm so sorry, where are my manners?! I'm Sienna, from the West Kingdom."

"Hello Siena! I am Arcturus, and this is Acela. The horses are my Rapidan and Bolt. You are very welcome to come with us. We are also going to Cross. Forgive my manners also! Does your horse have a name?"
Sienna smiled at both Arcturus and Acela.
"Thank you for letting me accompany you on your journey, this is my horse Boleyn." She said as she patted the horses nose. "Both your horses are lovely."
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