Active member
ooC: Sorry I have not been on guys! UGH it is bugging me so bad!!
I'll try soon!
Goose if you need to RP Destiny. 

Sienna opened the door slowly. She walked over to him; she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry Rigel, I dont know what else I can say."
OOC: ALex isn't :]
Alyssa nodded " Alex I'm hungry what do you think we do for super?," she asked, holding him close.
She got up " Come on lets get something to eat," she told him, then got up her knees shaked " Ahh how about you go see what we can eat I'm still weak to walk," she told him, with a sigh.
"Well, I've never heard such rudness! I'm pretty sure King Mizar wouldnt approve. Well if you really want me to leave I shall...once i'm done doing my tests on you of course. Now I want to know how you discovered your powers. I believe they are a result of genetic mutation. Or do you have another explanation?"