Rigel gave one last looks at his father's face. It looked so pale, so white. Contrasting his white skin were the dried bloodstains from the attack. Rigel turned his head away. "I can't see him like this!"
"Yessss you can." said a voice that was familiar.
Rigel shivered. It was the voice. "Why do I keep hearing you? No one else can" Rigel thought.
"Because the othersss are not worthy.
"What? Who are you?"
"A Servant of Mizar. The poor king so cold and dead. He should have listened to me. He should have joined the lands so called "enemy". If he had done that, he wouldnt be dead. But he is. Just like everyone else that believes in the imaginary "Ellonai". Every narrow minded "servant" of Ellonai ends up either dead or they live a life of misery. Look at you now. So sad, so lonely. You want to die. You want to kill yourself, but your too afraid to do it."
"STOP!" Rigel screamed accidentally outloud.