The Elements

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Rigel just stood there in feeling stupid as everyone just stared at him.

"Stop what?" said a man.

Rigel didnt know what to say. "I...I.."

He turned around and ran off, too embaressed and scared to look back.
Leila looked at him shocked, "Poor kid," she mumbled under her breath. She understood the loss he felt.

Aasen went after him, making sure that he helped his new king.
Sienna put her hand on his arm "Rigel! Why arent you telling me whats're not fine! Stop telling me that you are!" her eyes started to fill with tears.
Rigel didnt want her to think he was crazy with voices in his head. He decided to tell her what everyone else was thinking "Look I just couldnt stand it. Seeing my father dead and rotting like that and the people crying and it was just miserable. I need to be alone alright."
ooc: aww

ic: Rigel sat on his bed. He was afraid of whatever was haunting him. He didnt know what the voice was, but it felt like an evil presence was around when it spoke.
Terran created more dust people. She created all the Elements and the king's family and started to create a miniature castle. She tried to keep the guests entertained while the others helped Rigel.
ooc: aww

ic: Rigel sat on his bed. He was afraid of whatever was haunting him. He didnt know what the voice was, but it felt like an evil presence was around when it spoke.

OCC: LOL. I try ;)

IC: Sienna didnt know what else to do. He wouldnt talk to her therefore she couldnt help him. She walked back and observed the rest of the funeral.
Terran created more dust people. She created all the Elements and the king's family and started to create a miniature castle. She tried to keep the guests entertained while the others helped Rigel.

"Could you stop, can't you see this is serious. And I'm not that fat!" Leila scowled.
Terran made some dust drop away from Leila's dust person. "I know Leila. But the guests don't need to know that. There king just walked away upset. No need to alarm them further until we know what's going on."
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