The Elements

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OOC: Ok, everyone, I know the RP got really wild there for a time, but we are going back to what was making it work.
Let me know if this works out for everyone:

All the characters are going back to the REBUILT cottage where they will be (finally!) training and mastering their powers. Rigel and Sienna included, even thought hey just got married. Lord Aasen will oversee the training but everyone will show the others how their powers work (only show it, not actually teach it). After a couple of weeks here (in RP time, not real time) All the heroes will (again, finally!) go to the Island of Faerience to fight the evil they were called here to fight.
Although the beloved King Mizar is dead, that should not stop his successor Rigel from helping out and doing what Mizar would have done if he was still here.

Does this work for everyone? if so, please have your character's make their way back to the cottage and we will begin the training as soon as Aasen gets there. Thanks all of you (ya'all for Kim ;) ) for your patience and understanding. Let's keep on doing what made this RP fun for over 2500 posts!!!)

ONE MORE THING. The vote on whether to accept new players was 2 yes and 6 no. So.... if anyone asks to join, you can tell them that we decided not to accept anymore players! Thanks)

Arcturus and Destiny heard the message from Lord Ellonai directing them back to the cottage to complete their training. They knew that Lord Aasen had been distracted by so many thing but hoped that he was ready to oversee the training again.
Both began making preparations to leave for the cottage for good, knowing that there would not be any more interruptions.
OOC: I know it got confusing there for a while, but we are going back to continue playing as it was originally intended. We are definitely going to need Terran a lot since she is the only one in the group with Earth powers.

ooc: I'll try thinking of ideas to expand your character? I'm probably just a minor character anyway.

ic: Cinthia continued walking. Her horse was too tired so she left him. She was tired and thirsty. She was not too far from the ocean, but the saltwater wouldnt help. She could hear, from a distance, a river flowing. Panting, she dragged on towards the sound of the creek.
OOC: Ok, everyone, I know the RP got really wild there for a time, but we are going back to what was making it work.
Let me know if this works out for everyone:

All the characters are going back to the REBUILT cottage where they will be (finally!) training and mastering their powers. Rigel and Sienna included, even thought hey just got married. Lord Aasen will oversee the training but everyone will show the others how their powers work (only show it, not actually teach it). After a couple of weeks here (in RP time, not real time) All the heroes will (again, finally!) go to the Island of Faerience to fight the evil they were called here to fight.
Although the beloved King Mizar is dead, that should not stop his successor Rigel from helping out and doing what Mizar would have done if he was still here.

Does this work for everyone? if so, please have your character's make their way back to the cottage and we will begin the training as soon as Aasen gets there. Thanks all of you (ya'all for Kim ;) ) for your patience and understanding. Let's keep on doing what made this RP fun for over 2500 posts!!!)

ONE MORE THING. The vote on whether to accept new players was 2 yes and 6 no. So.... if anyone asks to join, you can tell them that we decided not to accept anymore players! Thanks)

Arcturus and Destiny heard the message from Lord Ellonai directing them back to the cottage to complete their training. They knew that Lord Aasen had been distracted by so many thing but hoped that he was ready to oversee the training again.
Both began making preparations to leave for the cottage for good, knowing that there would not be any more interruptions.

(ooc I thought we were just going to tarin on the road...make things get moving.)
She could see the river not too far away. She was crawling now. She didnt have the strength to walk. She got a few inches from the river, and tumbled in. Water covered her face, and she was swallowing everything. She wanted to swim back, but she had know strength. She couldnt see as the dark water covered her vision. She lost all consiousness, as the river carried her body downstream. Her body floated from the river and was dumped into the ocean. The waves started crushing over. After a little while she was knocked onto the sandy beach. Unconsious, but alive,
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(ooc I thought we were just going to tarin on the road...make things get moving.)
ooc lets just settle down at the cottage for a little. I am waiting for a reply from Destiny (or mods action) to start a new thread already.
Cinthia opened her eyes. "Where am I?" She looked around. She was lying on a beach. She panted, and managed to get herself up. She continued walking untill she saw a cottage in the distance. "Perhaps, I can get a place to stay." she thought.
Rigel sattled his horse and was riding towards the cottage with Sienna. "Its great that we got it rebuilt. The castle just didnt do." he sighed. "First I just want to take a little break. We've been busy with the funeral, the wedding, the attacks from Decay and Serpaethia. I really need the training. I sorta practiced with my powers in secret, but I know I can do much more."
Arcturus and Destiny walked down to the stables and this time saddled their horses themselves.

"Rapidan, old friend," Arcturus said, patting his horse on the shoulder and rubbing the nose. "I missed you. There has been too much going on, but I would never forget about you. Did the grooms treat you well? Have you had your daily excercise?"

Rapidan gave a low whinny.

"Yes, I know, I am happy to see you too."
OOC: I am going to post this in public.

I apologize if I am coming as very rude, especially to Josh and SQJJ. My only interest was to preserve The Elements in the way it was going, as it was really good and very successful. I am sorry if I seemed to picky and a pain in the...

I have changed my vote to let SQJJ in and she will be playing her new character.

I hope we can stay away from the usual wanton destruction and endless fights to see who is best (evil or good char) that seems to plague most RP's

Elements II will appear as soon as DestinyLies gives her ok.
OOC: I am going to post this in public.

I apologize if I am coming as very rude, especially to Josh and SQJJ. My only interest was to preserve The Elements in the way it was going, as it was really good and very successful. I am sorry if I seemed to picky and a pain in the...

I have changed my vote to let SQJJ in and she will be playing her new character.

I hope we can stay away from the usual wanton destruction and endless fights to see who is best (evil or good char) that seems to plague most RP's

Elements II will appear as soon as DestinyLies gives her ok.

(ooc I think of new Elements banner!!!:))
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