The Elements

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Quack screamed as Terran dropped him onto the floor. Thinking quickly he slammed the door on her. and locked it.

"Oh great. Now I'm stuck in here. I have to get out of here."

"What will my Master say. Please Please don't punish me for failing." he prayed.
Terran laughed at the doctor. She made the dust from the floor grab Quack. Then she dustified and flowed through the key hole and under the door. She solidified and looked at the doctor. She created a cage to hold him then flew out the window and landed next to Rigel. "He's not going anywhere." She reported.
Sienna looked at Leila
"Dad, its ok, he wont be going anywhere" she said looking at the cage.
"How dare he!" her father hissed.
"Dad! Just control yourself for a few minutes..." Sienna said putting her hand on his arm

Before we go to the Island to keep on with the second part of the rp (the actual "mission" for which our young heroes were called out of their kingdoms), I am going to ask a mod to close this thread and restart a new one with DestinyLies as the creator again. That way we can start the second part of Elements anew and then if other players want to join, we might be able to accomodate them.
I want to do this before the mods do it at a time when it will be ackward to cut the rp in two. The mods are going to do it anytime now, anyway.

Josh. Please no Vampires at all. The mods locked all the vampire threads. We have been very careful to say out of that. Delete that nonsense post of vampires taking over the city.

Before we go to the Island to keep on with the second part of the rp (the actual "mission" for which our young heroes were called out of their kingdoms), I am going to ask a mod to close this thread and restart a new one with DestinyLies as the creator again. That way we can start the second part of Elements anew and then if other players want to join, we might be able to accomodate them.
I want to do this before the mods do it at a time when it will be ackward to cut the rp in two. The mods are going to do it anytime now, anyway.

Josh. Please no Vampires at all. The mods locked all the vampire threads. We have been very careful to say out of that. Delete that nonsense post of vampires taking over the city.

Okay, that sounds good to me. I cant believe how HUGE this RP got! :D:D I'm so proud of us!
Alyssa rolled her eyes " He need to clam down before...," she pused what she was about to say she squeezed Alex's hand " What are we do?," she asked, in a worry tone.
Rigel broke down the Doctor’s door. “Why did you try to kill me?”

“Because you are a threat to my master. The true Lord of this earth.” Quack said.

“So you work for the enemy? Do you know what the punishment for that is?”

Dr. Quack didn’t speak.

“You’re not a doctor are you?” Rigel asked.
“Of course not. My only objective was to slow the Elementals down, so Decay and Serpaethia would have time to carry out their plans.” The Doctor then drew a knife. “You can’t kill me, you can’t keep me in here!” He ran toward the door.

As quick as lightning Rigel drew his sword and stabbed the Doctor. Dr. Quack gave a cry of pain, and fell down…dead.
Rigel broke down the Doctor’s door. “Why did you try to kill me?”

“Because you are a threat to my master. The true Lord of this earth.” Quack said.

“So you work for the enemy? Do you know what the punishment for that is?”

Dr. Quack didn’t speak.

“You’re not a doctor are you?” Rigel asked.
“Of course not. My only objective was to slow the Elementals down, so Decay and Serpaethia would have time to carry out their plans.” The Doctor then drew a knife. “You can’t kill me, you can’t keep me in here!” He ran toward the door.

As quick as lightning Rigel drew his sword and stabbed the Doctor. Dr. Quack gave a cry of pain, and fell down…dead.

(ooc and the peasants rejoiced....:D)
ooc: Ok I'm going to either kill off Serpaethia or Decay. Vote for Which one you want to go. I have too many characters, and I've created so many subplots. Barbarian King is right.

And don't say Draith, cause that guy will go soon wheather you guys like it or not.
Cinthia was eating at the table with her parents. "Can I go play now?" she asked.

"Once your finished with your dinner." Mrs. Etterly said.

"But the guys will be gone by then." she said pleading.

"Alright. But be back in half an hour. You still will have to finish your chores."

"Thanks." Cinthia said getting up and running out the door.

Every night she would play with the boys. She was sort of a tomboy, and didnt get a long with the other girls very much. Her mother, or at least the woman who was a mother to her, said she needed to act like a "lady." Cinthia didnt care. I can always act like a lady when I'm old and boring.

She went into a dark alley where her friends were.

"You're late." said a boy called James.

"Sorry, I had to eat dinner."

"Well I hoped you enjoyed it, cause you nearly missed the fight."

"Fight?" Cinthia asked in excitment. Cinthia always enjoyed getting into the fights. For her age, she was very skilled with both her fists. She was even better than some of the teenage boys in the neighborhood.

"Yes. Billy and Fa..." before he could finish his sentance screams were heard.

"Whats that?" Cinthia asked. She could hear horns blowing. The alarm was sounded.

"The city is under attack!" a man screamed. "Nightmarish beasts!!! There surrounding the city!"
Decay turned to Draith. "Attack!" Draith and his followers ran into the city, with torches, burning houses and slaying the men who dared to fight them.

Serpaethia walked up to Decay. "Once this isssss over, I ssssay we try to track down the Elementalssss. I fear they are heading toward the island."

Draith flew high into the sky, with his bat-like wings. Archers from below tried to shoot him, but he glided below and knocked them down.
"I have to warn my family!" she told James. Cinthia ran as fast as she could. She saw men grabbing their torches and pitchforks to attack the horrific creatures that fought them. She tried to not be seen. She ran into her house.

"Mother!!" she cried. But her mother was nowhere to be found. "Oh dear. Please don't be dead." She ran outside. Her father was there with some other men.

"Cinthia!" he cried. "Get into the stable. Your mother is getting the horses. You'll have to escape!"

"What about you?"

"I have to stop these things."

"But you'll die!"


With tears forming in her eyes, she ran as fast as she could to the stable.

Her mother turned to her. "Oh thank Ellonai, your alive! Here, help me saddle the horse."

Cinthia rushed to her mother's aid and helped her sattle, Omkastoe, the horse. Before she could finish, she heard someone enter the stable." She turned around. Before her stood Serpaethia.
"Going ssssomewhere!" she hissed!

She ran towards Cinthia and grabbed her by the throat. "I can enjoy a sssssweat ssssnack!"
Cinthia's mother picked up a shovel and wacked Serpaethia across the head with it. "Leave my daughter alone you snake!" she yelled.

Cinthia quickly got up and got on Omkastoe. "Mom be careful!"
Serpaethia slashed Cinthia's mother across the face with her claws. She then grabbed her and bit her, injecting her with the poison.
"NO!" Cinthia screamed! She kicked Omkastoe and her horse galloped forward. Cinthia drew her dagger, which she allways carried with her, and threw it at Serpaethia, stabbing her in the heart. Then her horse ran forward and trampled over her.

"Mother! Get on!"

"NO! I'll be fine, I have to wait for your father. Go."

"But mother..."


Cinthia kicked her horse and galloped away, unaware that her mother was about to die.
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