The Elements

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Sienna wrapped her arms around her husbands neck and smiled into the kiss.

she thought in her head

OCC: YAYAYAYAYAYYAAY! *jumps up and down* LOL.
Rigel held her tight. Sienna, his wife. He continued to kiss her, his cold breath going into hers. Never in his life had he felt so wonderful, and so in love. "I'M MARRIED!"
"Oh my gosh Sophia!" Chuckled Sienna's father passing his wife a handkerchief.
All he got as a reply was a sniffle.

Sienna pulled away from the kiss and looked into Rigels eyes, a huge smile spread across her face.
Dr. Quack stood up. "Bravo. Congradulations to you both. Now, I think its time for the feast."

Rigel frowned. "Well we can wait a little, there is no need to rush." He then turned to Sienna and gave her another kiss.
After waiting for about five minutes, the servants began preparing the feast. One of them, a young servant named Roger, took a cup and filled it up with wine to drink.

His mother turned around. "Roger stop that!!! Its to be saved for the Prince!"

"It was just a little drink. After all we can hardly get anything with our pay." he said walking away.
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Aasen found Leila and put his arms around her shoulders, "Almost as pretty as the bride."

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Almost as pretty as the groom!"

They joined Sienna and the others, awaiting to be seated.
"Thank you Terran and Leila. You've really made this..." he was innterupted by a scream.

Rigel ran to where the scream came from and saw Roger lying dead on the floor.

"The drink...Its poisoned!" the woman cried.
Serpaethia and Decay stood a few yards from the city. The sun was setting, Draith and the rest were waiting for nightfall when the villagers would be least ready. They surrounded the city.

Decay formed a wicked smile. "Very soon, the city will be under our command."
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Terran ran over to the others. She grabbed the poisoned drink. (The pitcher) and poured it on the ground letting it disappear. Then she looked at Rigel. "I have a feeling that was meant for you. Get all the guests to safety. I don't think this is over yet."
"Who did this?" Rigel asked the crowd. "Who poisoned the wine!"

Dr. Quack felt very uneasy, and he could show it in his face. But in a attempt to make himself not look guilty, he spoke up. "Yes who did this?"
"No. I just...I just need to go to my room. I've been feeling a little sick." the he quickly ran away inside. Quickly he shut and locked the door to his room and he started packing his things.

Rigel turned to Terran. "Make sure he doesnt leave his room. I want to talk to him"
Terran smiled. "Gladly." She followed the doctor and knocked on his door. She opened it. "Packing? Oh that just won't do." She made him fly out the window. "That's better. Stay." Of course he had no choice since he was floating in mid-air.
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