The Gone, Away, and Returned Thread II

And greetings to YOU, Hannah! Have you seen the new thread I've started in "Other Fantasy Worlds" about the old classic kung-fu movies?
i'm back for as long as possible

comes into the room with her wings on :) hello everybody, i'm back i don't know if anyone remembers me or not, i'm the one with the elephant shaped water canister who planted all the gardens in here :) i'm staying as long as possible, but i will cut down on planting so many gardens, thank you in advance to everyone who welcomed me back :)
Sir Godfrey is takeen a break

S g aka Jeff Kato_si is taking a break from here for his health and to focus more time with God he felt spending online wast taken up to much of his time So he is take a short break from his rp and such. He told me that just now So pray that he can focus on that. He wants to assure evefrtyone that is nothign to do with any of you < He is just taken a break for a few weeks or days however long

Kjc for sir Godfrey
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OK, I will be gone from now until maybe September 15. Be good and play nice. And if you PM me, don't forget I can't answer for at least two weeks, or close to three. It's not that I don't love you, I am just not online.
Blessings to you sweet Inkspot! We will be praying that you heal up quickly! I hope things will get better for you! *Hugs*
I am going to be away for about four days or so:(
I will be on tomorrow hopefully, I am leaving later in the day.
I am going camping with my family (or fam-jam whichever you prefer to call it LOL)

Just wanted to let you all know incase you thought I dissapeared randomly.

I'll miss you all...I know its only four days, but I love it here:)

- Josie
i just wanted to say that i'll be gone for about two weeks starting september 15th. although i don't know who exactly is going to miss me...:(:p