Wow . . . I didn't even tell anyone that I left and I still get a hero's welcome back! Haha, maybe I should let y'all know about that world luxery cruise I just came back from.
Aaanyways! I had an awesome week with Peak 7 Adventures ( again! It's kinda like the same one I took last year, except with different people. I don't have the pictures, yet, but those of you who have my Facebook (if you don't have me, add me at either Levi Delson or Joseph Osborne) can view my trip from last year. ^^ It's good to be back.
My is back. How's that for a quick transition? Messah is typing on my computer in my dorm now. I am tired and will probably turn in in in a bit, but "Messah back!!!!!!"
I'm trying, once again, to cut back on the time I'm spending online. Like, I'm only supposed to be on the computer for an hour every day, but it never works out that way. XD So... if I'm not on as much as I was before, that's why. Eventually I might try taking a break from TDL altogether... but I don't know if that will work right away... hehehehehehehe....
Wow, that post from last night is almost uncomprehensible. I was trying to channel Jar Jar to psych me up so that I could stay awake long enough to get a shower.
Hey everyone! I've missed you all so much...but I'm back! I don't know for how long because school starts soon, but the hectic-isms of my life have died down a little. Unfortuantly, my computer broke last night, so I'm using the fam computer so it'll be sort of hard to be on all the time, but hopefully I'll be on more.
Huggles to Hannah, Carz, Office, Julie, and my beloved sister Africa!
me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs brandon* ooh! and i am going to read Children of Hurin! i just picked it up at the library yesterday!