The Grand Hotel


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You are rich of course to be living in a grand hotel in New York.
What do you do for a living to be living in such a glamourous hotel?
Just fill in these...

Occupation or Job
Pic or Appearance

My profile...
Name: Jenny Rattana
Age: 18
Occupation or Job: Famous Pop/Soul Singer
Bio: Jenny is very famous around the teen crowd and became a singer at the
age of 11. Jenny is soon to go on tour with her new solo album: Do you remember your first love?
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Name:Lesley Moore
Occupation or Job:she in a band called Jump5
Bio: she cool sweet and love hugeing out with her four friends
Pic or Appearance
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name: annisa brooks
age: 18
occupation: actress/ model
bio: pretty much totally gorgous. and one of the most photo graphed models ever. won a few academy awards
name: Jackie Smith
age: 19
occupation or job: costume disinger
bio: smart, nice, shy, and hates the city but lives there any way
Araina checked into the hotel and sighed as she stumbled into the elevator. She was tired out from her long day. Silently she prayed, "Thanks, Lord, for getting me here safely."
Lesley was in the hall in middle on the Grand Hotel she was waiting for her band " Chris what are you doing" she said witha smile he just look at her then the rest of them came down.

heres her band
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Name: Josh Stewartson (the third)

Age: 18

Occupation or Job: Spoilt rich kid who grew up to be a successful teenage actor.

Bio: Was born into "old money" but left home at a young age to "do his own thing". Is smart, charming, charismatic but also used to have an alchohol problem when he was younger. May have messed him up, but he was aquitted of all charges in court. More info is known from several magazine articles.

Pic or Appearance: Has good looking face, brown eyes and black hair that reaches to the middle of his neck. Is of average weight, fit-looking and was voted 15 on the Top 100 Cutest Male Teenage Actors (in several magazines).
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Name: Vivian Lane

Age: 18

Occupation or Job: Actress and writer

Bio: Vivian has been acting since she was a girl and has recently written a book entitled "As Others Wish to be." It's on the best seller list. She's attending book signings inbetween shooting for a movie. (Title to be determined)

Pic or Appearance:
"And I say that Karma is an essential way to my life," stated Josh Stewartson as he leaned back on one of the plush chairs in the Lobby.
He was being interviewed by a magazine, he forgot the name, but that hardly mattered. His face was worth 3 million easy, even if it was attached to a kids stick figure drawing.
The interviewer was nodding her head, she could have been Josh's type, if she wasn't thirty.
"Do you ever feel under pressure when you have to do your modeling shots?"
"Chrissie, it is Chrissie, right? Well, Chrissie, you see, I feel that every person gets a little anxious now and then. Of course, I don't, but others might."
Josh did his cute little laugh that he used to do when he was a child. It was a perfect small laugh with a perfect smile.
The interviewer half-smiled and commenced with the questions.
(well SOMEONE's a little cocky...)

Vivian swept into the hotel, followed by her two personal assistants and their jr personal assistant.
"I have a book signing later, I cannot film! You tell that director, what ever his name is, that I have plans. He cannot film without his leading actress. And I told him I couldn't."
Both assitants nodded and one picked up her phone to call the director.
"And Joyce, make sure that the paparazzi are NOT admitted to this signing. The last one I could hardly hear myself! All the cameras!" she cried, pushing her sunglasses out of her face.
She glanced over to the lobby and saw some one, a very GORGEOUS someone, being interviewed. She turned on the jr personal assistant. "I want to know who he is, right now."
"Josh Stewardson, Ms. Lane. He's an actor." the woman said, trembling.
OOC: Oh, dun go by that. I am Roleplaying. lol.

Josh glanced at the entrance, he saw a girl, possibly his age, sweep into the hotel. He merely looked with some interest. She appeared pretty, but Josh did not go by appearances alone.
He smirked as he glanced back at the interviewer who was staring at him.
"What was your question again?" he asked her.
ooc: I meant your char....

ic: Vivian commited this name to memory. "Josh Stewardson..."
She smiled and handed her coat and purse to the woman.
She watched him for a few more moments, then left the lobby, going to get ready for her book signing.
Jenny Rattana arrived and saw the two.
She tried to get past by the press and photographers.
"Hi Vivian Parker and Josh Steward"Jenny said passing by.