The Grand Hotel

"With canapes, though I don't really know what is in them, they taste pretty good."
Josh shrugged casually, to an untrained eye, it looked as if he staged the shrug.

ooc: umm... what?

ic: Vivian looked at him. "Well, I have to go.. Sign books and take pictures with fans. Goodbye.." she said, waving and walking to where her three personal assistants stood. "Cancel my plans for dinner tonight.." she murmured. "And fix that sign!" she added, remembering what Josh had said.
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"Okay, cool," stated Josh to Jenny.
He watched as Vivian left to deal with her plans.
"I only got one gig to do, then I'm free," he stated to Jenny after Vivian left.
Lesley was with her friends walking around she spoted a boy " hey guys I be right back okay" she said to them with a smile Chris was listing to his Ipod and Brandon with some were britteny with holding her big brother's arm lesly came up to Josh with a smile" hi" she said just standing there.
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the gourgus anissa brooks stepped out of the bentley limo and gave her very expensive louis vuitton luggage to the bell hop and checked in "why hello miss brooks your pent house room is ready the very best in the hotel" the man at the counter said "thanks" she said politley adgusting her pleated true religon denim skirt with a matching cropped denim jacket with secuins designs and a light blue tank top with lacy trim that matched her flawless blue eyes and a pair of light blue jimmy choo pumps anissa then took the card to her room and gracefully walked to the elevator

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After wandering around for quite some time, Araina went back upstairs and switched on her laptop. She went to one of her fan websites and saw that the message board was going strong. They were all getting psyched about her concert that was coming in a couple weeks. Araina was glad she had fans, but since she was a Christian singer she didn't think having fans was the most important thing in her carreer.
Araina went to her keyboard and plugged in headphones so she wouldn't make any noise. She began playing, and soon she had the begginings of a new song.