The Grand Hotel

Vivain glanced at her. "Jenny Rattana? I presume?" she said, looking at her.
The press were pushed out by the hotel security.
"Yes its me! Jenny Rattana the singer"Jenny said smiling at Vivian.

ooc: I chnaged her pic to this one:
OOC: lol, I know. I was kidding. :)

After a few more questions, usual stuff, "Have you missed your family?" "Have you taken drugs?" "Do you regret doing that music video with Michael Jackson?", the common Hollywood 20 Questions.
Josh shook hands with the interviewer and watched her leave. He felt satisfied that it went rather well.
Despite some hesitation with the Michael Jackson question, he thought he did pretty well.
Getting up, Josh made his way to the bar. To the common eye or Paparazzi, he knew what they would think, but that was not his intention.
He just needed to meet a friend, that was all.
"Hey, Bethy," stated Josh as he sat down at the table.
"Why are you late?" asked the seventeen-year-old blonde chewing gum.
To the average eye, Bethy would look like a common floozy, but to Josh she was more then that. She was a gem, a girl he could count on for information about the place.
Okay, sure, she was a common floozy, but a RICH common floozy, who did her work under the table...or on top of it, for a price. Despite her young age, she was good at her job, modelling as a sexy-looking girl.
"What's the word in the Corridors?" asked Josh Stewartson, smiling coyly.
"Nothin' doing, Josh. Not till I see them regs," stated Bethy.
Josh calmly took out a driver's license and handed it to Bethy.
"Yeah, this'll do," said Bethy and put the license into her black sequin bag.
"Word is there are big names in the joint. Nobody as a client, but I seen em as I make me rounds."
Josh enjoyed using Bethy as a source of information, it was cheaper then having a P.A, less constricting too. With Bethy, you could get any info, if you had the right bargaining chip.
After speaking with Bethy a few minutes, Josh got up and sauntered out of the bar area into the Lobby again.
Wandering over to the Dining Room area, Josh noticed there was a crowd, something was up.
He saw a sign depicting the girl he saw in the Lobby earlier holding up a book.
It was one he had never read, but knew was a best seller.
The girl in question was talking to another girl.
Josh knew her, Jenny Rattana, she was a famous singer. Well, famous in Josh's circle of info.
Jenny smiled and said"well I have to go...soorry I can't chat for any longer!"Jenny said waving and brushed pass Josh Stewardson and the press then followed Jenny asking many questions.
"I'd love to talk to you more, but I actually have a book signing right now. I'd love to talk to you later though." she said smiling. She turned and walked towards the dining area. She looked at the sings and smiled. She wasn't really looking where she was going, so she bumped into someone. And it was a very GORGEOUS someone.
Josh watched as Jenny flaundered past gracefully as if she had wings and the rabble of photographers followed after her, one taking a photo of Josh before leaving.
Suddenly, Josh was bumped into and he turned and saw the woman from the Lobby.
"So, you must be Vivian Parker," he stated with a half-smile.
Josh watched as Jenny flaundered past gracefully as if she had wings and the rabble of photographers followed after her, one taking a photo of Josh before leaving.
Suddenly, Josh was bumped into and he turned and saw the woman from the Lobby.
"So, you must be Vivian Parker," he stated with a half-smile.

"No, I'm Vivan Lane, but you're Josh Stewartson," she said, matching his smile with one of her own.
Jenny walked to her limo and drove off.
She arrived at her concert hall where her concert would be hel at on Sunday.
Jenny smiled as she looked at the stage.
"No, I'm Vivan Lane, but you're Josh Stewartson," she said, matching his smile with one of her own.

"Hmm, odd. Are you sure? Cause your signs say Parker," stated Josh, indicating to the name on the signs. "But, yes, I am Jogh Stewartson, not that I like to brag about myself."
"Hmm, odd. Are you sure? Cause your signs say Parker," stated Josh, indicating to the name on the signs. "But, yes, I am Josh Stewartson, not that I like to brag about myself."

Vivian stared critically at the sign, then looke back at him. "Of course. We mustn't brag.."
Vivian stared critically at the sign, then looke back at him. "Of course. We mustn't brag.."

"But, of course, there is no harm in stating what we do, say, over Dinner?"
Josh did not really expect that line to work, but he was an actor, not the "Glamour Man".
Jenny came back from looking at the stage(kinda quick) and went to Vivian's book signing.
Jenny arrived back and smiled.
"So what are you two talking about?"Jenny said coming by Josh and Vivian with a smile.

ooc: pic of Jenny:
"But, of course, there is no harm in stating what we do, say, over Dinner?"
Josh did not really expect that line to work, but he was an actor, not the "Glamour Man".

"No harm at all. But, I don't suggest you use that line ever again. It was terrible." she said, smiling slightly.
"No harm at all. But, I don't suggest you use that line ever again. It was terrible." she said, smiling slightly.

Josh chuckled.
"Yeah, it was pretty lame," he stated.
Suddenly, Jenny reappeared.
"Oh, not much," replied Josh. "We are having Dinner tonight, care to join us? My treat."
"With canapes, though I don't really know what is in them, they taste pretty good."
Josh shrugged casually, to an untrained eye, it looked as if he staged the shrug.