The Grand Hotel

anissa returned to the hotel with her mocha latte in hand and her sidekick 3 "ok so i have a photo shoot for chanel and i have to go to a club opening" anissa said to herself as she entered the lobby her pumps clinking across the floor
Lesley smiled " hey I saw you just standing here and I thought to say hey I'm Lesley and that is Chris,Brandon,Britteny they port of my band", she said witha smile.

Josh glanced over at the other members of the band with slight interest.
"That's cool, I think I've heard of you guys. Didn't you get a Platinum Deal with Gombi Records?"
Vivian saw Josh talking to a girl and sighed. Hmmm... now what? She went to the little sitting area and sat, pulling out a leather bound book and opened it to read.
anissa noticed the group jump 5 she knew her little sister really liked them "hey im anissa brooks you ve probally heard about me well i was just wondering if i could have an auto graph my sister is a big fan" anissa said to them
Josh watched as another girl came upto the group, Jump 5 and asked for their autograph.
He ignored it, he was sick of autograph hounds, even famous ones.
Josh watched as another girl came upto the group, Jump 5 and asked for their autograph.
He ignored it, he was sick of autograph hounds, even famous ones.

ooc: lol, that's nice..

ic: Vivian pulled out a red pen and corrected something in the book. She smiled. Her editor would kill her for that. She was never able to leave silly mistakes alone. After all, she'd gone over every copy and rewrite at least five times for mistakes. Why couldn't everyone else.

ooc: lol, she's anal....:D
anissa noticed a guy looking a little annoyed at her " umm did i do something wrong" anissa said her blue eyes looking angry

"No, no problem," replied Josh.
He now remembered who the girl was, well, he remembered her name. Anissa somebody or other. He knew she was famous, but could not remember what for.
"No, no problem," replied Josh.
He now remembered who the girl was, well, he remembered her name. Anissa somebody or other. He knew she was famous, but could not remember what for.

ooc: he is so... CONCIETED!!!

ic: Vivian put the book away to send to it's editor and glanced around. The lobby was getting crowded. She pulled sunglasses over her eyes and went back upstairs, not wanting to be photographed.
" yea sure let me get the others over her to sign all right", she said witha smile Chris look at Josh " whats up my name is Chris and you?" he said witha smile then the others came over and sign" here you go" she said handing it to her.
" yea sure let me get the others over her to sign all right", she said witha smile Chris look at Josh " whats up my name is Chris and you?" he said witha smile then the others came over and sign" here you go" she said handing it to her.

OOC: lol, what you expect? That happens to some famous people.

"Hey, my name is Josh. How long you guys been playing?"
Josh was really interested, he did not know much about the music business of fame, besides that incident with Michael Jackson, which he stated to the press did NOT contain anything...phsyical.
" eight years we been to getter we had five of us but she wanted to live to go back home" he said witha smile then loook at lesly.

Josh caught the look but did not think much of it. It was common for band members to show affection, as far as Josh could recall.
"Yeah, but you guys seem to be doing okay. Heard about the scandal in the paper. Was it true you were sued by Hi 5?"