The Grand Hotel

" no thats a diffent band you see thats a little kids band we are a teens band" she said with a laugh " but yea we are doing good", he said kiss Lesly on the cheek and went back to listing the his music.
" no thats a diffent band you see thats a little kids band we are a teens band" she said with a laugh " but yea we are doing good", he said kiss Lesly on the cheek and went back to listing the his music.

"Must have got their facts wrong," stated Josh darkly.
He was not new to wrong facts, most papers did it either for spite or more people would buy the paper, not that they did when that issue about Jump 5 and Hi 5 was published. If anything, it made the teen following of Jump 5 angry at the paper.
she just smiled at him " well I have to be going now bye Josh" she said witha wave.

OOC: do you want me to show you their pic?

OOC: yeah, that'll be cool.

Josh waved back, watching her leave and decided he had better head to his room.
"Catch you guys later," he said to Chris and the rst of the band before they left.
Going into an elevator, Josh pushed a button and the doors closed. He waited as the lift went up.
Jackie looked at her watch, she had to get back to work in three hours, she ran over to the elevator and got in, she headed up to her room
I think you can, join and if you wern't allowed its my fault

lol. I think it should be ok. Thanks for the ok.:)

Name: Alexandrea(Alex,Andrea) Berrymore
Occupation/Job: Working in a bar in the hotel, with her brother. Also helps with camps. Rock climbing, hiking, sports and swimming. She also sings and dances at the bar.
Bio: Alex went into a non talk mode after her parents were murdered. Later she realized she was lonely so she started to get out more. Now she is out almost all the time. She is very sweet and kind. She loves teaching people like her brother, and helping. Her brother can sometimes get on her nerves but she loves him dearly and knows he's helping. Elex is smart, funny and a bit whitty.

Name: Emmett Berrymore
Age: 19
Bio: Emmett is very protective of his sister after their parents were murdered. He is usually always with her but tries not to be too protective of her, since it bothers her. He is smart and funny,loves teaching people about things and helping out. Gentleman, although he puts up a good fight if he has to.
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ooc: he is so... CONCIETED!!!

ic: Vivian put the book away to send to it's editor and glanced around. The lobby was getting crowded. She pulled sunglasses over her eyes and went back upstairs, not wanting to be photographed.

Kyle followed, not knowing who she was or anything really. He just thought she looked cute...

OOC- Also, I'm changing his job to the dude who fixes anything that breaks in the hotel.
Josh sighed in the elevator, he leaned against the railing.
The lift bell rang and the doors opened on the fifth floor.
Walking out, Josh walked along the corridor to his room, romm 305.
Taking the keys from his chain belt, Josh inserted the key in the lock and turned it.
Putting the key back onto his belt strap, Josh opened the door and entered his room.
It smelt of lavender, it was a nice smell, one Josh enjoyed.
Closing the door behind himself, he sighed and went into his bedroom. The large queen-size bed looked welcoming.
Taking off his red shirt and blue jacket, Josh collapsed upon the satin-sheeted, mink-cover bed.
He just wanted to lay there for eternity, the silken pillows softly caressing his cheek.
Josh Stewartson enjoyed the easy life, but he also knew it was a hard life, it took a lot out of him.
His black rose tattoo that was upon his upper back, near his left shoulder, was renowned.
Josh did not know why he got it, he had it for four years, but it jump started his career as a teen model.
Now, he was a famous actor, who did modelling on the side.
Moaning slightly at the comfortness of his bed, Josh closed his eyes and fell asleep. He could afford to have twenty minutes sleep, he was not due for the photo shoot for two hours.

OOC: Coolio pic.
Kyle followed, not knowing who she was or anything really. He just thought she looked cute...

OOC- Also, I'm changing his job to the dude who fixes anything that breaks in the hotel.

ooc: creepy...

ic: Vivian felt her phone vibrating and glanced at it. "Wonderful..." she murmured, picking it up. "Hello. Yes. I know. Joyce called you. I told you that I had a book signing. It's not my fault you don't listen to me. No. I will be there tommorrow. Yes. 5:30, yes. Goodbye." she said, hanging up.
Still behind her, Kyle scratched his head. "Book signing?"

Vivian didn't hear him. Her phone rang again. "Hello, this is Vivian Lane. Oh! Hello. Yes. uh-huh. Of course, I will be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world! Yes! You're at the top of my list, darling!" she said, laughing. "Yes, au revior!" She hung up, still walking down the hall.