The Grand Hotel

Lesley was with her friends for awhile then she want down stairs.
" hey chris can you tell Brandon he need to get some more lryic for tomrrow", she yelled out.
She grinned. "Nothing.... Just thinkning....."

"Fine, whatever," replied Josh as he put down his chopsticks.
"I gotta split, anyhow. I guess I owe you girls half a dinner. Least I can do is pay for half the bill."
Josh took out his wallet and took out some money and placed it on his side plate that was empty.
Josh put his wallet back into his pocket and turned to leave.
Vivian nodded and looked at her watch.
"Oh wow! It's getting late, I should go too.. I got the rest of the bill. I'll see you later, Jenny."
She put some more money by her plate and walked outside and whistled for a taxi.