The Insane Asylum II

Me: ???
Alyosha: *quack*
Me: *takes notes on Aaron*
Alyosha: *quack*
Me: Would you like to take notes, too, Alyosha?
Alyosha: *quack*
Me: Okay! *tries to teach Alyosha how to take notes*
Alyosha: *quack*

"Indigo is the color on the electromagnetic spectrum between about 420 and 450 nm in wavelength, placing it between blue and violet. Although traditionally considered one of seven divisions of the optical spectrum, modern color scientists do not usually recognize indigo as a separate division and generally classify wavelengths shorter than about 450 nm as violet." -Wikipedia
I miss my laptop, lappy. I had to leave him at home because I couldn't fit him in my bag. :( but I got to take Eddie the car for a drive to the station today! yayyy! *hugs eddie* maybe this PC will be friends with me....

*goes out to touch screen*...*static shock*....T_T.......*sobs*
