The Insane Asylum II

*Eats snowball* just dropped in to wish the Insane Asylum a Merry Christmas, but when I drop in it kind of messes with gravity so I might be here a while...
The therapist has harmed everyone. I tried to talk to her about how throwing inmates into cactus-patches is not an appropriate way to counsel people, but she just wouldn't listen.
Caspian: *yawns* Okay, who set me under a sleeping spell?
Dorthy:..... I don't know, but I definitely didn't kiss you.
Caspian: Um, ew, not a mental picture I needed.
Frodo: So, what are we going to do about the state of the Asylum?
Caspian:..... I've got an idea! *creates a tower of paint cans on a little red wagon* *tows it off with him*
Frodo: *follows curiously*
Dorthy: *follows worriedly*
Caspian: Heeeeey, DLR! *throws explosive paint cans onto the DLR, and any offices, bedrooms and nooks and crannies they may be occupying* *runs for life with his co-conspirators*
Dorthy: I am not a co-conspirator!

*author of this post is disturbed that her kitten has figured out how to read the astricksed parts of text*
Dr. Byrne: I highly disapprove of the misspelling of my name. Also I am male, no matter what Glen prefers. Glen has always been...recalcitrant...also, I am hiding from the DLR, so would you please be quiet? They are not so fond of me as they are of Glen...her juvenility is amusing, I suppose.

Dr. Byrne: I highly disapprove of the misspelling of my name. Also I am male, no matter what Glen prefers. Glen has always been...recalcitrant...also, I am hiding from the DLR, so would you please be quiet? They are not so fond of me as they are of Glen...her juvenility is amusing, I suppose.


Caspian: DOC BYRNE *throws an explosive paint can at Dr. Byrne*
Dorthy: *raises paw* *puts it down again* I don't even know. What are we even doing? How did I get trapped in here? What is my life? AUTHOR, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?
Caspian: O.o *edges away from his sister* She finally lost it. o.o
me: Caspian, you are in the Insane Asylum I think that it's safe to say that you all lost "it" a very long time ago.
Philosophical Treatment of "It."

In order to be lost, a thing must first exist.
"It" has been lost.
Therefore, "it" must exist.

So, what is "it"?

Is "it" related to the IT in A Wrinkle in Time?

An illuminating factor is that "it" apparently leaves when repeatedly exposed to Cliff, the bowl of petunias, whales, butter knives, mad buffalo, etc. Presumably "it" is none of these things.

"It" must have some value, or we would not mind "it" being lost.


Dr. Byrne: Glen, let's have a more practical discussion, shall we? After all--

We interrupt Dr. Byrne's interruption of Glen to point out the the DLF is still not free. The DLF must be free.
Nice the Insane Asylum has a fridge, because thanks to someone, the mod lounge doesn't anymore. *glares at the DLR*
That depends on which philosopher you ask and how you define the word "know." There's also the question of whether we can truly know what we mean by "know"....