It's just her form of insanity. She prefers not to hang from the ceilings like the rest of us. *climbs up to steeple & sprays CW at passing seagul*
seagul: Hey, watch what you're doing, buster!
Me: What's the matter? You don't like CW?
seagul: CW? What's CW?
Me: This... *sprays*
Seagul: AAaaaghh, it's... wait... hmm... it's TASTY!
Me: See, you do like it!
Seagul: *CHAAAAARGE* gimme gimme gimme!
Me: Oh no you don't! *runs away*
*suddenly realizes he's running on thin air*
Oh no, not again.
Bowl of Petunias: *facepalm*
Lieke: Wow, I didn't know the bowl of petunias had a face... or a palm...
Lieke: What? Oh, no, I'm not... *vanishes*
Me: Wait... where... who... *SPLAT*