The Insane Asylum II

Potato chip. Usually round, or sort of round, and crunchy, and salty, and greasy, and edible... according to some people. Considering the consistency of a brain, I would think a potato chip quite sufficient for slicing through it.
*stares incredulously at Olorin*

That's as may be. But my sword most definitely does not look like a potato chip. *glares*
Because it's somewhat insulting to have your sword thought to look like a potato chip. Not to mention rather funny...*lol* (Must. Not. Laugh. :eek: :D) At least at this hour.
Yup. I'm implying that it's every bit as sensible to call my sword a carrot as a potato chip. For that matter, you could call it an egg if you felt so inclined, and it would make just as much sense.
*pins her down with potato chip* You see, after the aforementioned episode, Ben decided the only way to prevent future occurences of like kind was to end all wars permamently... hence the pacifism...
What was that picture HB once posted?

Oh yeah: