The Insane Asylum

Nurse: So... basically, one of them is hitting that mirror, and the other one is laughing, while thinking that she's out?
Dr. Lieke: Uhuh *writes*
Nurse: They cannot really break this window, right?
Dr. Lieke: *sips coffee* i sure don't hope so
*un-Duck-tapes herself, because she has in fact, been duck taped to several things before and is now an expert on getting un-ducktaped* *catches Midnight eider, drags her back in, and duck tapes her to the wall.*
*uses her firecrackers to explode duck tape* *catches midnight rider again and locks her up on a room with no windows, and locks the door. and duck tapes the door shut. just in case.*
*blows up room*

*is dead*
*is a ghost*
*haunts catherine*
*dumps water on firecracers*
*was sitting in the other wing of the insane asylum while all this happend*

*meditates upon insanity, feels the essence of insanity, feels his own place in the grand scheme of insanity*

Part of Brain #1: So, basically, the idea about meditating is to feel at one with insanity?
Part of Brain #2: Something like that, but first you must clear your mind of all thoughts.
Part of Brain #1: Ok.. *tries*
Random Thought: I really need to brush my teeth, they don't have hygienics in this asylum...
Part of Brain #1: SILENCE! *quells random though*
Other Random Thought: Hehe, that was funny, I kinda like squashing thoughts...
Part of Brain #1: Stop! *quells other random thought*
*lights flash off*
Entire Brain: What was that? Did the power go out? Did somebody blow up the generators? Did...
Part of Brain #1: I'll never get this!
Part of Brain #2: Maybe not, why don't we try checkers instead?
Part of Brain #1: But we don't have a checkerboard...
Part of Brain #2: Details, details!

<(to doorknob) Don't people who talk to themselves freak you out?>
((I know, it's so creepy...))
*Sits in her comfy desk chair, watching the wall moniters. Overhears Olorin's conversation with himself and the Door knob*

Psst, Olorin, Part of Brain 1 cannot spell.
Part of Brain #1: SILENCE! *quells random though*
Try the bolded word; is there such a thing as a random though?
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