The Insane Asylum

You know; winner of the 'Hater of all things bright and beautiful award'. :D And comes from Leeds as well as WHB. Full username: Johan 72109. (Haven't you read the 'Definition of Duffering' link, in the Duffer reading list?)
You don't want to be there...

...yeah, but once your there, it isn't that bad. They have coffee... and chocolate chip cookies. And if they don't, everyone just thinks that the table (unless Olorinsesss ate it once again) is the cookie...


Though i have coffee as your docter too:D
Dr. Lieke: *sips Coffee*
Nurse: What's going on?
Dr. Lieke: there is a new one, i wonder what the greeting ritual will be...
Nurse: didn't they hit the last one with the leftovers of the table?
Dr. Lieke: ...yeah...
well i think that dr. Lieke should check me out of here because i am no longer insane.

/yes you are\
what no I am not
/then why are you talking to me\
because you addressed me.
/but i am not supposed to be talking\
i just leave me alone.
dr lieke don't i sound incredibly reasonable and normal and... well, please lemme out!!! it's springtime... there's lots of mushrooms out there, just waiting for me to pick them up and... anyway, i get bullied by the walls all the time!
Dr. Lieke: *looks outside*
Outside: *has snow falling down*
Dr. Lieke: *writes down: MF is thinking it's springtime, very very interesting'*
Nurse: You think we should tell these guys who are dressed up as walls to stop?
Dr. Lieke: now, why would we do that?
Nurse: Well... it's against the oath of Hippocrates? You know, the one you sworn?
Dr. Lieke: Does that say anything about dressing up as walls?
Nurse: well, no, but...
Dr. Lieke: then shut it, it's interesting medically... and soo much fun:D
Nurse: Whatever
Dr. Lieke: could you get me some more coffee?
Nurse: Suuuuuuree, that's why i became a nurse, to serve coffee to silly doctors...