dr lieke don't i sound incredibly reasonable and normal and... well, please lemme out!!! it's springtime... there's lots of mushrooms out there, just waiting for me to pick them up and... anyway, i get bullied by the walls all the time!
Dr. Lieke: *looks outside*
Outside: *has snow falling down*
Dr. Lieke: *writes down: MF is thinking it's springtime, very very interesting'*
Nurse: You think we should tell these guys who are dressed up as walls to stop?
Dr. Lieke: now, why would we do that?
Nurse: Well... it's against the oath of Hippocrates? You know, the one you sworn?
Dr. Lieke: Does that say anything about dressing up as walls?
Nurse: well, no, but...
Dr. Lieke: then shut it, it's interesting medically... and soo much fun
Nurse: Whatever
Dr. Lieke: could you get me some more coffee?
Nurse: Suuuuuuree, that's why i became a nurse, to serve coffee to silly doctors...