The Jedi Order:

Hey I was just thinking about something....when Mrs Obi-Wan Kenobi posted that scene with Padme and Anakin...She says" Hold me" and Leia says that also to Han after she talks with Luke when their with the Ewoks(sp)

Kinda random...but I thought that was kinda cool:p
UF stands for United Federation and SJO stands for Shadow Jedi Order. BTW, the whole connection between Han/Leia and Anakin/Padme just goes to show the whole lack of originality in the Prequels. And besides, Han and Leia were a real couple. Anakin and Padme lacked so much that it was quite comical. I mean they never argued had the silliest romance lines ever, etc. It does kinda tick me off whenever I see such great scenes from the SW that got me hooked on fandom and the SW that messed it all up. But that's just the opinion of someone who expected the same greatness the young George Lucas had (and he was a rip-off, though brilliant) from the old(er) George. Back to the RPG...let's add in the SJO and the UF and set this at 60-65 ABY, with a Sith War brewing, though this shouldn't be the central focus. We need some new baddies, like an invading alien race or perhaps some break-away sector, like Corellia, or someone. This whole Light Jedi vs. Sith thingy is getting old, rapidly. That and they're covering the fall of Jacen Solo to the darkside and his becoming the next Sith Lord, in the Legacy of the Force series, which is set at 40-50 ABY. So, we need some original ideas. I'm willing to work with any and everyone to make this substantial. Perhaps this weekend...aside from class-work, I'll be working on my SW script, as it's turned into quite a project. I'm sure I put some time to this, as most of the frame-work is already in place. Well....

Cyon Corell
Shadow Jedi Knight Commander
Supreme General, Shadow Jedi Order
Shadow Jedi Representative on the Royal Council
Fleet Admiral, UFN
Admiral, Anakarian Defense League, Ret.
Sooooooo.....who wants to be a Shadow Jedi? You can have both dark and light powers and you get to participate as a member of an organization just as old, if not older than the Light Jedi Order. All without the whole 'us-vesus-them' issue that comes along with being a Sith or Light Jedi. Any suggestions on how exactly to insert all this into the RPG? The Machinist, if yur actually interested in this SJO thingy, ask me and I'll PM or perhaps e-mail you the necessary information and we can get working on setting up this RPG in earnest.

Cyon Corell
Shadow Jedi Knight Commander
Supreme General, Shadow Jedi Order
Shadow Jedi Representative on the Royal Council
Fleet Admiral, UFN
Admiral, ADL, Ret.
Cyon where not intresting in becoming Shadow Jedi. We are Jedi, we live to serve and protect. We don't need the powers of the Dark Side. For we fight only in defense, never attack. We strive to better are selves through mediation (Prayer) and training. We seek not to use the dark ways of the Sith. For if we do, we become no better than them.
Cyon where not intresting in becoming Shadow Jedi. We are Jedi, we live to serve and protect. We don't need the powers of the Dark Side. For we fight only in defense, never attack. We strive to better are selves through mediation (Prayer) and training. We seek not to use the dark ways of the Sith. For if we do, we become no better than them.

Well spoken SG.
No offense CC. But we Jedi like to remain Jedi.( at least this is one who does :))
Just don't lute yourself be pulled in by there lies. The offer of great power is hard to refuse. But remember how you felt as a Sith, empty and without joy.