the Narnia rpg

"I'll tell you........I AM GONNA EAT THEM!~!!!!!!!!!" and He did. but He started sinking......He was too heavy with the octipuses in His belly.
tottyfruitty said:
"no thnakyou aslan" peter said exhauted and breathing heavily. he layed down on the sand letying the sea wash over him

Mara looked over at Aslan, "yes thank you aslan, you to Peter, you saved my life."
Mara was about to ask Peter if he was okay when she stared coughing again, I must have gotten some water in my lungs, she tought
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Mara smiled at Aslan, "thanks but I'm not vary hunngry." Mara walked over to the fire, she was frezing. Mara started to shiver again, she rubed her hand together. Mara started coughing again.
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