the Narnia rpg

[well Aslan rescued Mara and Peter from an octipuss and now they are eating. Mara doesn't want any and I don't know if Peter wants any butAslan has started eating.]
*~Aslansfriend~* said:
ooc: whats going on...? :o

ooc.Mara was swimming when something started to pull her under, Peter saved her then Aslan saved both of them. Now they are tring to warm up

ic. Mara sat down, she was shaking
" octipuss had grabbed Peter and Mara and then I went to rescue them but then we were surrounded by a bunch of them. I ate them all. they are out of My belly now so I am having a snack."
Mara laughed, she was slowly warming up. She wouldn't be going swimming any time soon. Mara stood up and headed to her room, she needed to change. After Mara changed she sat down on the ege of her bed, she was exausted. Mara lied back on her bed and feel asleep instantly
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Mara woke up a little while later, she had a punding head ake. Mara got up and started down the hall, she was going to the kitchen to get something to drink. Mara was almost there when she got exremmly dizzy.
peter was fast asleepbut he ahd fallen asleep on the chair, he had been so exhausted he didnt have enogh energy to walk all the way back to his room
Mara stood still for a little bit, then she walked the rest of the way to the kitchen. Mara got a cup of tea and headed back to her room, she saw Peter sleeping in the chair. Mara walked over to him and put a blanket on him.
Mara picket her cup back up and headed to her room. When she got there she laid down on her bed, she was really dizzy again, she couldn't sleep.
tottyfruitty said:
peter was sleeping like a baby
ooc: aww :o

ooc. that just what I was thinking.

ic. Mara got up and walked over to her balcony, it was still raining out side. Mara took a sip of her tea, she started coughing again