the Narnia rpg

ooc. sorry for duble posting

ic. Mara back away from the balcony, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Mara looked towds the woods but didn't see any thing
Aslan was coming through the door but bumped into Mara by mistake. "oops sorry! what is it? it is that bird isn't it? yes it is a spy from the enemy I'll talk to it to see what it wants." Aslan let Mara by then went over the the bird. "what is it you need?"
Mara walked down the hall, she was still alittle freeked out. Mara could see Peter he was still sleeping. Mara sat down in the other chair, she staired at the fire. Mara started thinking about her family, she felt a tear toll down her cheek. Mara looked at Peter, this was her family now, but that didn't make the pain go away. Mara looked back at the fire, she wished she could change what happened, but she knew she couldn't

ooc. I gtg, ttyl
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Edmund walked aimlessly around the castle, looking for something to do. He sighed, looking out the window he caught a glimpse of a few birds who seemed to be having a conversation with oneanother, he quickly lost interest in the scene and continued walking down the hall, headed for the kitchen. Suddenly he heard an ear pearceing scream, he reconized it to belong to casey and he new she only screamed like that when she was in some sort of toruble. "Casey!" he shouted, he dashed into the kitchen just to catch a glimpse of a dark figure wearing a long black cape, he had placed a gag over the young girls mouth to prevent her from farther cries of help. She looked up at Edmund, her eyes pleading for anyone to help her. "Let her go!" Edmund shouted, trying to swallow his fear. "What are you going to do about it little king?" a cold voice said from behind him, he turned and tried drawing his sword but he felt it ripped out of his hand. "HEELLLLPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Mara sat up, she heard a scream, Mara saw Peter's sword on the table she picked it up and headed for the kitchen. She stoped when she saw a man holding Casy. Mara pulled her dager out of her boot, if Casy would move a little to the left she could get the man
Casey looked up and saw that Mara had pulled out her dagger, she kicked the man right in the 'bad place' and darted to the left. Edmund struggled hard to escape, bighting and kicking at his captor. "Mara!" he cried, seeing her dart into the kitchen.
"And what do we have here..if it isn't little Mara..we've done away with your parents and don't think you and your new litle family will be of any exception......" another voice said and out stepped a huge man, taller then the others, he glared at Mara, his eyes almost glowing a burning red.
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Mara staird back at him, she wasn't scared, she was mad. Mara held Peter's sword in her hands. Mara through her dagger into the man that had Casy.