The Order of the Can (Do not delete!)

Georgie the Valient said:
OK,now i get it.Basically all of you are stealing CW from lieke.Somehow i have not got this yet.What is so special about CW-Start yelling at me
*starts yelling* AAHHHH... CW is really special :eek: it's... Cheese like.... and Whiz like.... i mean, who doesn't love that? :eek:
Read the Cheese Whiz thread; then you might understand. :D (I'm not sure I understand either. ;))

So we have two Fred's, and two Cookies...only one of the cookies is an :huh: :p
Dernhelm said:
Read the Cheese Whiz thread; then you might understand. (I'm not sure I understand either.)

So we have two Fred's, and two Cookies...only one of the cookies is an :huh:
However, the CW thread is even more confusing that what happened here:p

Yes.... :confused: :eek: :D
Hail, Sir Ben! Whose side are you on?

*grabs the CW back from Dernhelm and starts running for it* And all these cookies and Freds are confusing! But as long as they're not against me... *ducks into nearby cave - again*
Lady of Lorien said:
Hail, Sir Ben! Whose side are you on?

*grabs the CW back from Dernhelm and starts running for it* And all these cookies and Freds are confusing! But as long as they're not against me... *ducks into nearby cave - again*
Yeah, if you want to know more about Stan and Fred, just view my blog (i just made a post (which is long :eek: ) about duffering... i keep having the feeling that i miss something. I'm going to link there to the duffer quiz:D

They are not against you, however, Stan might be if i tell him you are confusing :p
Dernhelm said:
Read the Cheese Whiz thread; then you might understand. :D (I'm not sure I understand either.)

So we have two Fred's, and two Cookies...only one of the cookies is an :huh: :p
But i do not understand :( Is CW a Spam Can or what? :confused:
From this it should be obvious why we're all fighting over it. Who WOUDN'T want such a treasure? Besides, I hear the Shiny Trash Can has taken a fancy to it... :p
Lady of Lorien said:
From this it should be obvious why we're all fighting over it. Who WOUDN'T want such a treasure? Besides, I hear the Shiny Trash Can has taken a fancy to it... :p
OOHH :eek: but then we should give it to The Can :eek: *brings CW*
No no no! You have to present it on a velvet cushion! (I WOULD say on a silver platter, except that The Can might be offended by anything so shiny being brought into its near vicinity...) :)
Fred the cookie wants to change his name, he wants to be Leo now because he does not want to be confused with the box. Presents the CW on velvet pillow to the Can. Bye, CW.