The Order of the Can (Do not delete!)

That sounds like a good idea. Espionage! Infiltration! Together, my friends we shall heighten the glory of the Great and Most Revered Can! *falls down before the Can in awe* Oh and by the way, I seemed to think that the Can's birthday was July 22, seing as that was the first day it was mentioned on this forum.
Georgie the Valient said:
Dernhelm,is it OK for you too chaange my membership from the name of No.1#georgite to my present username?(i know this is a silly request :eek: )
It's not silly. :D Nearly everyone who's changed their username has asked the same thing. (I usually don't notice, otherwise. :eek:)

It's done! :D
Lady of Lorien said:
Ahh, my fellow Can Followers... We shall all go into this together. But I think we'd better hold conference and council as to the best method of approach. By night? Or perhaps as 'seeming' friends to the despicable butterknife worshipers?
I think the 'seeming' friends won't work, because if i had to pretend i was a friend of the People of the Butter Knife i would either worship the butter knife or deny the Can as our Master :eek:

And PeterC: what made you think that it was understandable in the first place?:D
True, it would be a difficult mission in the extreme... To keep our allegiance to The Can while we appeard to follow the butterknife... Perhaps secretly by night it would be better.

(You aren't supposed to understand're just expected to get a headache!)
Lady of Lorien said:
True, it would be a difficult mission in the extreme... To keep our allegiance to The Can while we appeard to follow the butterknife... Perhaps secretly by night it would be better.

(You aren't supposed to understand're just expected to get a headache!)
Yes, very true. I suggest we do it soon, so The Can gets more worshippers very, very soon! Because that is why we do it after all: "Too worship thee (thy? thou? could someone please explain when to use which one (this time thee just sounded nice :p)) my Can, we will bring everyone on the forum, and everyone in the whole world under your command, o beloved Can" *bows and worships*

(the...pain.... i.... can't ....take.... it :eek: )
Thee works. ;)

Yes, how about tonight or tomorrow night? Although then we might not be properly prepared...I don't know... *ponders* Hmmm, how shall we get into their camp?
We need to take silent gliders in while all of them are asleep, then take the abominable butterknife from them.
(Olorin, why can't the Great Can have more than one Birthday?)
We can just swoop in and take it then get back here before any know that it is missing. We'll need many lookouts I'd say.
Pulls out a whole batch of them, (hey, as Lady Jean on the Chivalry thread, I grew up with the elves. Want a Cape? Hands them out to the first people to come get one. Ben already has one)
Let's go! *pulls out a magnet* Maybe we can use a magnet to get the butterkinife.
(I suppose the Can can have more than one birthday, but they're just secondary birthdays. July 22 remains the biggest birthday.)
I am with you guys but I cannot stay on the Forum for long, I have to go to the Mass for the Holy Day of Obligation still.
It's OK Ben I did not expect anybody but LoL and LM to understand. Today is a day where Catholics are supposed to go to Mass, in honor of a feast day that is it, anyhow I'm back.
Sir Benjamin the Lion said:
Be careful. You could hurt someone with it. Oh, I suddenly have an idea. Hey, Lady Lorien, stand in front of the magnet. :D

Right. 'Cause I'm that brilliant. Anyhow it's Lady OF Lorien. :D But that's beside the point...seeing as how I have armed MYSELF with a magnet too... Anyways, remember? This is a mission in which the People of the Can have banded together against the People of the Most Vile butterknife! That means we probably ought to lay off trying to kill each other for a few minutes here.... ;)

(Yep BreeThew, I went to Mass a little while ago too.) :)