The Order of the Can III

it must be true, because since obviously one cannot trust a brainwashed follower of the can, the truth and what they say must be completely opposite, and since the can and i are generally at odds, then what a follower of it says must be a complete lie, causing me to be correct 100% of the time
Who tagged this thread 'complements of the chef'? :p Has anyone else noticed that bunch of other threads have similar nonsensical tags?
I don't know, I haven't been looking at thread tags recently.

Abby, I will not even try to argue with that dilluded statement. I have one question though: How did you become so dillusional?
I don't know, I haven't been looking at thread tags recently.

Abby, I will not even try to argue with that dilluded statement. I have one question though: How did you become so dillusional?
i am not dillusional, you and all those other can-followers are, or else you would believe me:rolleyes::p
Watches Can as Nuclear bomb goes off, He is pretty with all that light. It didn't work, Abby. He just looks better now (if that is even possible which I doubt).