The Order of the Can III

(Don't be ridiculous, that IS the original sticky residue. Every true duffer has at least a leeetle bit of CW in his soul...)

I don't know if I ever met her either...'cause I was here for a year, then I was kinda skimpy for the other year and soish months.....what's her full username...?...0.o.....


Lady of Lorien I think.
i might have only talked to her once, but i still didn't know she was oly's kin.

just the fact taht oly has kin is weiiiiiiird.
Incidentally. I am just catching up with myself.
WOAH! YES, I am related to Olly, yeah, it's kinda weird, NOOOO, I do NOT have a beard, and land sakes alive, the rumors that begin when you leave somewhere! I'll have to hunt myself down and find the rest of 'em!
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So apparently spending time in the mod fridge doesn't turn you into a mod cookie, because you have to be ground into soulful sawdust first....

Originally Posted by Lady of Lorien
*pops head in*

I don't recognize you(...not sure if you're a member from back in my days with a new name, or a new member, but I (being on for the first time in over a year) was thinking about posting in this thread (HEY! I'm still in the records of the Order of the Can! *mutters* so proud, so proud).

Newerish--I've been active for a little over a year now, although I officially joined two years ago this month. Long enough to lose my mind, develop invisible friends and multiple personality disorder, and nearly get murdered by Waldo... *indistinguishable muttering about being shoved from a tent in the Antarctic*
Sounds about right. The extra personas never fully go away, although they occasionally go dormant.:D

Well...soulful sawdust...sawdough would be fine, but that's even harder, so there you go. I wouldn't say that the mod cookies aren't made out of poor unfortunate people of any variety, though! Only duffers have the defense mechanism. Draw your own conclusions...
Yes, soulful sawcookiedough...ahem...I just got out of the mod fridge.

Runs far away after realizing she never wants to try to steal the badger's cookies again.

I didn't think the ban button was that mean.
Yeah, we are all scared of it. forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. evil murderous ban button.
The order of the Can is back and you can't think of anything interesting?! Sad sad day.

*tosses someone else's collection of chewing gum into a gutter to liven things up*