The Skandarnite Thread

arab people are ghosts...its scarycool! and if they're not that then they're tan.... you have a cousin had it, and i know what you mean bout reallly yellow.......i wanna see you with yellow skin!
arab people are ghosts...its scarycool! and if they're not that then they're tan.... you have a cousin had it, and i know what you mean bout reallly yellow.......i wanna see you with yellow skin!

turns out i dont have the disease i was freaking out yesterday...turns out i just naturally have yellow/light olive skin

and arab ppl arent white theyre tan, skandars white becuz hes a mix of lebanese and british
yellow skin is asian just to let you know, if theres confusion that u guyz are saying yellow is arab

i kno yellow skin is asian i mean i am part "asian" my dads from kazakhstan ppl there look asian and sum ppl look liek theyre half asian liike my dad im just saying that he looks like hes half arab half asian cuz he has high cheek bones and not exactly asian eyes but theyre a little squinty and he has dark skin. and when i was talking about jaundice i thought i had it cuz my skin is yellow like the color but i donthave it thats just my skin color. but anyways...... sup with everyone?

did anyone watch the superbowl (for those in USA)? i luved the halftime show. Prince was ammazingg!!!
omg i kno i was like waiting for sum1 to post so i didn't double post

oh i got sum news for you. Two days ago I was talking on msn then,the guy I like log on and like we were talking and stuff and wen he said he got to go--he then said he didnt like me anymore!!!!:( omg I didnt know he liked me! IM so upset now...:(
oh i got sum news for you. Two days ago I was talking on msn then,the guy I like log on and like we were talking and stuff and wen he said he got to go--he then said he didnt like me anymore!!!!:( omg I didnt know he liked me! IM so upset now...:(

waittt im confuzzeled he liked u and u didn't knoa dn he imed u saying he didn't like u anymore? awwww imsry

i wish max liked me, that would totally make my year. i would be so happpy i bet id make a lot of ppl jealous ooohhh haha well hopefully he does that would just be awesome like i would be soooooo happy omg tickets for semi go on sale on monday im gonna get 1 im going with my best friends:)
oh my god! theres this guy in myschool, in my grade...and i saw him yesterday and he reminded me of non other than skandar!...he kinda looks like him, i wanna talk to him he was walkingh away listeing to his iPod...*sigh*
lol so random
like why not we pretend Max is Skandar?:p ;) lol

i luv justin timberlake ahhhhh!!!! so hot lol

ooo my tummy hurts....i cant wait till i go to the mall im getting a new pair of coach sneakers my old ones r like all yucky and dirty.....then im getting my semi dress!!!!
why do ppl never post on here!!!???? this thread is seriously like dead. it bothers me, just say sumthing random.

I know!!! Nothing is like how it used to be... Were are all the nice moderators and the great members?? I really miss it... Everything is one caos to me. I see all the RPGs. There was nothing like that before... Why now?

I remember you willIsHott! But I don't remember your name..? :p
I know!!! Nothing is like how it used to be... Were are all the nice moderators and the great members?? I really miss it... Everything is one caos to me. I see all the RPGs. There was nothing like that before... Why now?

I remember you willIsHott! But I don't remember your name..? :p

rly!!!??? haha its Melanie but you can call me Mel i prefer that.

I've seemed to forget your name too:D