New member
rly!!!??? haha its Melanie but you can call me Mel i prefer that.
I've seemed to forget your name too![]()
Hi Mel! Everybody calls my cathyrh or cat or cathy. Whatever you like

How do you do?
rly!!!??? haha its Melanie but you can call me Mel i prefer that.
I've seemed to forget your name too![]()
Hi Mel! Everybody calls my cathyrh or cat or cathy. Whatever you like
How do you do?
im great just watching sum kazakstani comedy on youtube its pretty funny...
wat about you?
I am listening to music, and a friend of mine and I are exchanging YouTube urls![]()
omg you know wat i rly want to come back?.....Woodstock....i remember watching it on tv it was just amazing but then they stopped like doing it cuz it got violent and stuff and rly disgusting cuz ppl were like burning portapotties(sp?) but i still wish it would come back i'd love to go to it![]()
I'm sorry, but I haven't heard of Woodstock? You don't mean the Festival? You can always lecture me about it![]()
yea the music festival....i remember i watched it on tv my parents weren't home
OkayHeehee. I didn't know they showed it on TV
it was live on pay per view 8 years ago
Woow! That is so cool!![]()
How have you been lately? Do you visit often?
i dont even know how i remembered but ii rly hope they have another woodstock soon im sure they will, i would seriously looooovvve to go....
im good how r u? im on here everyday waiting for ppl to post on here...i actually have vacation now so ill be on all the time
i don't snowboard. i do carving. but i don't have a lot og training, but hopefully i will get better at it.
whats carving?
it's carving skis. it is the same as slalom skis. you just call dem carving. hmm..?
oooo well thats cool.
omg i cant wait till summer!!!! winter has been sooo annoying i mean i live in massachusetts so we're known for having huge snow storms like every week and having like on average 5 snowdays (where we get school off b/c of the snow) and this year we only had 1 snowday and the 2nd day we had a 2 hour delay i mean i kinda like it this way cuz then i get to end school on june 13 and if we were to have tons of snowdays then we would end school june 20 and i would love a long summer vacation. But still winter is being so slow and annoying i cant wait till spring only a month left!!! and then it'll be warm again....and then summer im so excited me and my best friend prmised each other on the last day of school we would go get bangs togetherbut i dont think they'll look very good on her b/c she has a square face and small forehead but i think they'll look good on me cuz i hav an oval face and big forehead lol yeah...ahhhi hope spring come fast!!! i hate it when its cold
We also have horrible weather. huge snow storms. and the buses are always delay, so i get late for school. we don't get free from school even though it's bad weather. it is kinda funny, i like it when it's dramatic. the roads are closed, and some schools are locked down. but this really sad thing happened yesterday in a town an hour away from here. a girl at the age of 18 died when jumping into a snowdrift. she got strangeled because she couldn't get up. it's horrible, and she was only 18
i can't wait for summer holidays either!!! it will be so much fun and relaxing! Now I am listening to potter puppet pals. they are so hilarious!!![]()