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i wonder if skandar still looks the same or is like different as in facial structure...

today a kid in my englisha nd history class got expelled cuz he had weed on him and he he was a drug dealer im kinda upset cuz i didn't expect it to come from him i mean i dont wanna stereotype but we were in all honours classes and liek he always did his hw and participated in class and he even gave in his history paper early i just idk im kinda sad and theres rumours that they might even deport him cuz hes from Brazil
omg thats just bad...a drug dealer? drug dealers do bad things and are bad! hmm maybe tht kid had an evil side...
Theres a thing called peer pressure smart people (nerds) just want to be cool.
I'm a smart person and I play b-ball--Hey thats a jock sport? Does it make me cool to score a basketball like a rainbow and do nice layups?
yea exactly....
omg Purim is today im sooo excited my synagogue is having this party/megilah reading anf the theme is ali baba and the 40 thieves im so excited me and my bff worked on our genie pants all night last night
thats cool did u have a good time?
omg1 theres this guy at my school that reminds of skandar and he's so cute but hes shy and i wrote him a letter and im gonna stick it in his locker...i made 2 rough drafts! i was so into it!!!
lol I wonder if he's gon find out its u who wrote the letter...
see, the thing is, he doesn't KNOW me....i dont think he's ever seen me.
well theres one thing you should do...get him to notice you! (oh wait thts kinda hard) okay go up to him and say hi and smile...and walk away leaving him in wonder...lol
friend him NOW!!!! see, this guy is shy...lol, imagine i freak the c*** out of him....i just go up to him and stare at him...you know just stare....HAHA!!!