The Skandarnite Thread

no....i don' think he'd be co,ming on here...i don't think he'd be interetsed that he'd be coming and posting frequently...
yeah , its sad all the old skandarnites are gone...the originsl true skandarites. it was weird cuz like 3 weeks ago sofie, rogue AND chloe came on here and posted!:eek:
how do you get all these guys contacts, willshot?! that sounds fun! he's a senior and he's in your class?how's that? what do you do on facebook? isn't it like myspace?
no....i don' think he'd be co,ming on here...i don't think he'd be interetsed that he'd be coming and posting frequently...
yeah , its sad all the old skandarnites are gone...the originsl true skandarites. it was weird cuz like 3 weeks ago sofie, rogue AND chloe came on here and posted!:eek:
how do you get all these guys contacts, willshot?! that sounds fun! he's a senior and he's in your class?how's that? what do you do on facebook? isn't it like myspace?

haha yea hes senior and in my class cuz in study hall any1 coudl be in ur class cuz its a mix thats how it works so now its liek my fav class even tho idont do anythign cept if i have hw i do it but still....and yes facebook is like myspace except much easier and a lil different too
wow skandar has changed loadz!!



haha yea hes senior and in my class cuz in study hall any1 coudl be in ur class cuz its a mix thats how it works so now its liek my fav class even tho idont do anythign cept if i have hw i do it but still....and yes facebook is like myspace except much easier and a lil different too

do u have piczo website? anyway facebook seems cool. U r so lucky, u got sean!I think he likes you, remember the guy I like? he told me he didnt like me anymore! I didnt even know I'm so upset...:( :( it was so shocking i was like "what?" and he just walked away! ahh my god! I'm such an idiot!

I wonder if I can try talking to him...but it'll be too hard- do u guyz think I should talk to him? Imagine tht happen to you! A guy u like comes and tells yu he doesnt like you anymore! I know I'm weird--but what the heck!
was he going out wit hyou or something? aww poor you narniarules*hugs* why'd he do that?

woah russian schools are way different than canadien schools!
well, I put the note in his locker today! he wasn't there yesterday. last period i was stalling my way too art, and i saw him and he was like "where the hell is it" look, he didn't say anything he looks so cute! my freinds asy he's really shy...he was late i guess cuz so was i but i just told my teacher, whos AWSOME, that i ran into 2 cars, me and my friend.
was he going out wit hyou or something? aww poor you narniarules*hugs* why'd he do that?

woah russian schools are way different than canadien schools!
well, I put the note in his locker today! he wasn't there yesterday. last period i was stalling my way too art, and i saw him and he was like "where the hell is it" look, he didn't say anything he looks so cute! my freinds asy he's really shy...he was late i guess cuz so was i but i just told my teacher, whos AWSOME, that i ran into 2 cars, me and my friend.

who goes to a russian school? ahhh im russian!!! but i go to school in america.

oo that sux Narniarules im sry:(

i hope sean likes me that would be cool, like today i was walking out of my history class and he was standing right outside the doorway (cuz he has class right after in theat room) and wen i was abou to come out he was looking at me and wen i was right in the doorway he looked at me!!!:D
hi guys, i haven't been here in a while. I kinda missed you lol

Does anyone have any pics of Skandar that have been taken within the past month or 2?
oh I thought you live din russia!:p do you have a pic of sean?

haha no i live in massachusetts! but i am russian (more of half belarussian half kazakhstani) and no i dont have a pic of sean and omg he wa sin my study today! cuz sumtimes he goes to a different room liek for the past 3 days he went sumwhere else but today he wa sin my room i was sooo happy:D and thne of course i see him at lunch cuz his tables near mine and then i see him after history:p
haha no i live in massachusetts! but i am russian (more of half belarussian half kazakhstani) and no i dont have a pic of sean and omg he wa sin my study today! cuz sumtimes he goes to a different room liek for the past 3 days he went sumwhere else but today he wa sin my room i was sooo happy:D and thne of course i see him at lunch cuz his tables near mine and then i see him after history:p

lol what happen to MAx the pic u showed me, he was hot lol
omg1 I stalked him today! me and my friend were following him everywhere, and he was going to his friends locker i guess cuz he didn't come to his and he was going around in circles (he was alone, i was with my friend, the only one that knows...) and he looked, i think he was testing if we were fllowing him...i don' think so though :rolleyes: and he looked at usAH*sigh*
omg1 I stalked him today! me and my friend were following him everywhere, and he was going to his friends locker i guess cuz he didn't come to his and he was going around in circles (he was alone, i was with my friend, the only one that knows...) and he looked, i think he was testing if we were fllowing him...i don' think so though :rolleyes: and he looked at usAH*sigh*

omg dont stalked him! YOU"LL GET HIM SCARED! lmao.
omg today I saw my crush buying a lunch, my friend went up to him and said "hi!" and he said "hi" but sarcasticly to my friend and me. lol my friends were asking questions like "do u like her?"etc, and I was eating a cookie daydreaming,wen suddenly my crush wrap his arm around me! I backed off quickly saying " WHATS GOING ON?!" then my crush " There I did it I hugged her!"my friend " omg ur such an idiot u shuld hve hugged him bak!"

my friends said I was an idiot- BUT I DIDNT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON CUZ I WAS DAYDREAMING! lmao- this is my lesson- dont daydream too much lol.
omg! good for you! lol, i'll try not to get him scared. my friend says she hope he says hi to me, i hope so too. what does your guy look like? how long have you known him for? i think you're going great in your new home, aren't you?
OMG!!!! crew is amazing!!!!!!!!!! ahahahaha today omg today we (novice girls) were walking intot he boat house while the boys novice were walking out and max was in forn of me well not in front but liek diagnally in front of me and he was looking at me the whol time while he was walking i couldn't handle it i had to look away and then wen oractice was over we (everone) were waiting for our parents to pick us up and i could see he was l;ooking at me from across where he was standing it was cute omg hes sooo hot
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woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah he is FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............................................................................................not as fit as jamie tho.......:p

YAY IM HOME MY GAWJUS LIL SKANDARNITE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol even tho its not myn..................:o
woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah he is FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............................................................................................not as fit as jamie tho.......:p

YAY IM HOME MY GAWJUS LIL SKANDARNITE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol even tho its not myn..................:o

yes he is fit but jamie is not as fit as he is yesterday he was wearing his lil blue crew tshirt and it was tight u could see all his muscles ahhhh but he wasn't here today :( idk y it was so depressing i was like max, where for art thou max? haha but there is this other kid idk his name who does crew hes kinda cute too but not as beautiful as greek god max!
charlie lovs skandar are u banned cuz under ur profile name its banned! omg why?

oh swimfan whut do u mean u cant handle it?! He was looking at you! You shuld have look at him for a long time.

yesterday I looked at the guy for a long time and wen he saw me look at him- he looked at me for a long time and looked away and looked back at started blushing and I looked away. Lol