x..m w a h..x
New member
I know they must be doubles, they don't look at all like the real cast.
yh i dont really think they're real cos theres no camera equipment or anything there so i think there fake

I know they must be doubles, they don't look at all like the real cast.
yh i dont really think they're real cos theres no camera equipment or anything there so i think there fake![]()
What do you all mean by the photos? Do u mean the photos in the cast of the movie of the cast of Prince Caspian?
Yeah, I am feeling that they are fake.
Yeah, I am feeling that they are fake.
oh rly? cool! All I know that Skandar likes the show Family guy lol. That show is soo funny. Who watched it?
Well, I just sent in my request to become a Skandarnite.
So step aside, because Padme is going to take over
omg I just luv ur banner! It looks so funny!![]()
Hehe thanks! I wasn't even trying to look like that LOL!
Hehe thanks! I wasn't even trying to look like that LOL!
Hehe thanks! I wasn't even trying to look like that LOL!
lol Skandar is gonna look hotter in Prince caspian! wen the movie gona show? 2007 or 2008?
2008thats a mad long time
what photos? can I take a look at them?
hey everyone, whats ghuudd?
not much, Hey I thought the PC movie moved to 2008 thing was an April Fool's joke last year, was tht true?