The Skandarnite Thread

charlie lovs skandar are u banned cuz under ur profile name its banned! omg why?

oh swimfan whut do u mean u cant handle it?! He was looking at you! You shuld have look at him for a long time.

yesterday I looked at the guy for a long time and wen he saw me look at him- he looked at me for a long time and looked away and looked back at started blushing and I looked away. Lol

lol i cant look at him for too long if he looks at me, hes so beautiful but lunch was amazing today as usual...and today wen we were doing cals on the handicapped parking lot the boys were runny laps aroung the big parking lot right next to it he was sitting ont he edge and facing towards the handicapped parking lot an dhe wa slike looking over my way and ont he bus i wa ssitting anf he wa sstandina dn eveey once in a while he would turn around and at LUNCH my fav period i have the best view of max from there and he has a view of mwah and i could see him laughina nd smiling with his friend sthen my friend thao hahah i luv her she calls the bathroom the poophole so she sliek u guys wanna go to the poophole wiht me and no 1 answer and thenm she slike wanan get an icecream with me no 1 answeers so we start lauhign really hard and i could see max looking our way....ahhh hes so hawt hes so gifted!!! extremely gifted:cool:
ok, who do you like? max or the other hawt guy cuz i never know who you're talking about.
I'm going to try and talk to the guy i have a little crush on. I don't like him, I just...don't know.
Finally!! Someone included skandar in a post! yaaaayyyy!!

The Era of Spam has ended! The Era of skandar has begun!!!

hahaha yeaa me and Narniarules have decided to keep our max conversations thru private messages lol but one last thing about max i promise....he is sucha stud muffin he was wearing his tank top today and he was running omg i thought i was gonna hot...ok im done:)