The Skandarnite Thread

today a kid in my englisha nd history class got expelled cuz he had weed on him and he he was a drug dealer im kinda upset cuz i didn't expect it to come from him i mean i dont wanna stereotype but we were in all honours classes and liek he always did his hw and participated in class and he even gave in his history paper early i just idk im kinda sad and theres rumours that they might even deport him cuz hes from Brazil
today a kid in my englisha nd history class got expelled cuz he had weed on him and he he was a drug dealer im kinda upset cuz i didn't expect it to come from him i mean i dont wanna stereotype but we were in all honours classes and liek he always did his hw and participated in class and he even gave in his history paper early i just idk im kinda sad and theres rumours that they might even deport him cuz hes from Brazil

omg thats just bad...a drug dealer? drug dealers do bad things and are bad! hmm maybe tht kid had an evil side...
omg thats just bad...a drug dealer? drug dealers do bad things and are bad! hmm maybe tht kid had an evil side...

yea pretty much but i mean he was an ok person but he just hung out witht he wrong ppl and did stupid stuff so i kinda felll bad for him but not b/c it was his desicion to do that
Theres a thing called peer pressure smart people (nerds) just want to be cool.
I'm a smart person and I play b-ball--Hey thats a jock sport? Does it make me cool to score a basketball like a rainbow and do nice layups?

Theres a thing called peer pressure smart people (nerds) just want to be cool.
I'm a smart person and I play b-ball--Hey thats a jock sport? Does it make me cool to score a basketball like a rainbow and do nice layups?


yea exactly....

omg Purim is today im sooo excited my synagogue is having this party/megilah reading anf the theme is ali baba and the 40 thieves im so excited me and my bff worked on our genie pants all night last night
thats cool did u have a good time?

yes it was soo much fun and i ate tons and tons of hamantoshins

and my costume was pretty much amazingg
then the surprise party was a blast my friend was so scared and then after we like ate cake and pizza we ran outside wiht outjackets in 20 degree (F) weather and we took like a billion pictures of us trying to jump and this guy kevin who wouldn't let us take a pic of him untilt he end where we each tooka pic wiht him it was fun
omg1 theres this guy at my school that reminds of skandar and he's so cute but hes shy and i wrote him a letter and im gonna stick it in his locker...i made 2 rough drafts! i was so into it!!!
well theres one thing you should do...get him to notice you! (oh wait thts kinda hard) okay go up to him and say hi and smile...and walk away leaving him in

hahaha thats a good one!!!!! no you should stair him down sort of like wen he looks at u look him in the eyes and smile and then quickly look away and then he'll probably come up to u and talk hahah i heard that sumwhere

omg theres this rly hot senior in ym study hall hes rly sweet and cute and taaannn:p cuz for february break he went to florida....and im thinking of friending him on facebook but i dont kno if i should maybe in like a month or sumthing before he graduates
friend him NOW!!!! see, this guy is, imagine i freak the c*** out of him....i just go up to him and stare at know just stare....HAHA!!!

hahahahah noo i cant friend him im tooooo scared like ive nvr talked to him like he knows who i am and sees me all the time after almost every period then i have study with him and then his lunch table is diagnally across mine and he can see me from his seat omg and today these 2 girls in my study( they know the guy well cuz theyre also seniors) so they came and sat at ym lunch table and randomely asked us how many different cows there r and like if we ate cows it was sooo funny cuz all of us were laughina nd my friend actually answered i knew they were joking cuz theyre in ym studya nd i talk to them and 1 of the girls jamie laughs all the time i mean ALL the time so i knew they were just doing ti for fun but my friend was serious and answered all the questions it wa sos funny me and my friends were cracking up!!! and then i could see sean (the senior guy i like) lookign at our table cuz he was standing up...and then later when we were waiting in the hall after lunch jamie stood across me and we nboth started laughing and then sean walked by and saw us laughing yea it was a good day and then wenever im sitting in class ( i sit int he front row) he always sits next tot he teacher to talk to her and stuff and hes facing ym way so wenever im looking a dofferent way i cans ee from the sid eof my head thats hes lookign at me and then wen i turn my head his way he quickly turns his head thne wen i turn my head back he turns his head back at me ooooh i rly like him but im not ready to friend him on facebook ill do it in april and omg his bday is the last day of school for seniors
awwwwwwww i misss the skandarnite thread SOO much!!!!!!!! i luv skandar agen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D i fink im gna hav 2 get this thread bac uo and running agen!:D

OMG we gta play i spy...i no no-ones on but o well lol

i spy wit my lil eye sumfink beginnin wit b.....:D
gd luck
You know, if Skandar himself were on this forum (unlikely, but possible), then he would probably be posting on this thing frequently, don't you think? :D