The story of the lost

I'm not going to update for a little while because I want it all to come out at once (chapter 2) and I'm not even halfway through. This is the latest bit though, I know it's short but there will be more soon:)
Chapter 2 continued continued continued! (I think)
The tub of water fell to the floor and tipped over.
The holder of the tub of water followed it.
One more moment of consciousness, then total blackness.
I know I said I wouldn't update, but I can't help it!
Chapter 2 continued continued continued continued (I'm only guessing that,)
Fael sat in the tent, tears streaming freely down her face.
“He was just a boy that was all.” An insistent voice said beside her.
“But then, he was such a nice boy, so funny, so…”Fael stopped mid-sentence, she would not admit it, to herself, to her father, to her maid and especially not to boy.
“Then why do you care? Why does it hurt so much that he did no longer likes you?” The voice persisted.
“He had been a friend,” she argued, “nobody likes to lose friends.”
“Fael really, you knew him for one day. I saw the way that you looked at him, you did not just want him as a friend, you wanted more.” The voice was mocking her.
“No,” She countered, “I only wanted him as my friend. But… why am I even talking to you?”
“But he had such a cute face?” The voice offered. “And you’re talking to me because you not only want to, you need to.” Fael looked around for where the voice might be coming from, but she saw nothing and no one.
“Where are you? Get out of here. I don’t need to talk to you and I definitely don’t want to talk to you!” Fael snapped. “Show yourself or begone from this land forever!” There was a buzzing sound and a small fairy (about the size of Fael’s palm) flew into view. It was a female fairy, wearing a long red dress that was torn in many places, her matted hair a bird’s nest on her head was a reddish brown. She had bad acne and yellowing teeth. Fael gasped.
“Fairies are… Real?” She asked in awe.
“If I had a piece of gold for Everytime someone asked me that, I would have enough gold to rebuild my own fairy land, but I don’t. So you’ve seen me now, what is it you want?” Said the fairy rather moodily.
“What are you the fairy of?” Fael eyed the fairy suspiciously, this was not what she had expected a fairy to be like at all, and not one bit similar to the stories her father had told her when she was a child. Fairies were supposed to be elegant creatures, with wings as fragile as leaf skeletons, neat and tidy hair and dress, flowing movements. Everyone knew the stories, and this fairy just did not fit them.
“Problems, and fears. More specifically your problems and fears.” The fairy seemed annoyed, Fael decided that it must be bound by something powerful. Curious, she asked.
“But why my problems and fears? Why am I so special.” The fairy sighed, and reluctantly replied: “Because I was captured. Ok? You’re great great great great great grandfather, or grandmother (I can’t remember) captured me. Then he or she put some form of binding curse on me, since then I’ve been bound to your family, and I will be until someone sets me free. Anyway enough about me, and more about you. This boy you like, did you speak to him about what was bothering you?” Fael shook her head in answer. “You didn’t say anything?”
“Yeah, I said stuff. It’s just he didn’t.” Fael said stubbornly.
“Did you give him a chance to say something?” The look on the fairy’s face suggested that she already knew the answer.
“No, I didn’t.” Fael whispered. “But what could he have said? He can’t deny it, I know it’s true. I heard him myself. He was telling someone about how he hated us. I don’t think he likes me.”
“But you could have allowed him explain.” Argued the fairy, “A point explained is always far more reliable then just a point.”
“You don’t understand.” Moaned Fael. “I thought that… thought that I was starting to… like him.”
“Yes dear,” Replied the fairy, “I thought we’d already accomplished you fancy the stranger from the forest.”
“Stranger.” Muttered Fael distantly, “That’s all he is, the strange boy from the forest.”
“To me, yes he is. But to you, he is not. You had feelings for him Fael, don’t deny them. Let them run free let him explain. Nothing is ever quite what it seems from someone who only overheard something. He might have been talking to anyone, he might even have been trying to protect you.”
“Fine, I’ll give him another chance, but if he messes it up…” She shot a warning look at the fairy. “…I’ll blame you.” She finished opening the tent and looking outside. Emptiness.
Boy awoke miserably; he must be moving somewhere. His head kept bumping painfully into something hard. He must have fallen asleep, been on a hunting party or something. But wait… had I ever been on a hunting party? He asked himself doubtfully. He couldn’t remember it. He remembered a boat, then he had landed. He was on an island covered in thick forest. He had been injured and bleeding badly, there was a girl. She had helped him considerably, became a friend. Then they had sailed upstream and camped for the night. But there was a centaur, somewhere. He remembered his story, something about a king of the Forest Island, long ago. But he had been a bad king and had not liked the centaurs what was his name?
Teah! That was it, he had tried to banish the centaurs. But if he had thought that he had succeeded, why hadn't he taken the whole island. What else lay in the thick forest surrounding the clearing? Boy should know, he had been through there, but he could not quite remember. But now, where was he? Slowly, he peeled open his eyes. He gasped. It's impossible!
Thin brown fur covered the beast, Boy realized that his chest must be draped over the thing's body. It was fairly wide, but boy's legs still hung over one end and his head the other. It was extremely uncomfortable. The grassy ground flew by at an extraordinary speed. Boy kept being jerked suddenly in the air, or swung to one side, as whatever he was riding on had to dodge around something in front of him. There were trees all around, Boy guessed that they must have left the clearing. There was a rhythmic thumping of hooves, which is why Boy's first impression was that whatever was happening was impossible. After all, it was impossible for horses to survive on this island. Fael had said, something to do with the atmosphere. But then, Boy remembered the centaur.
Reepicheepfan said:
I AM NOT CRAZY!......I am only mostly crazy! teehee
lol, mostly...
1 question: do you understand what's going on or is it too confusing? I do, but I know the plot. Is there any information that I left out earlier on?
I love your story! its awesome. No, don't explain anything. i love the mystery and the way you describe things; i like how no one knows who Boy is or where he came from. keep posting! i wnat to read the rest of it. :)
Please dont think it sucks because it doesn't! i get eveyrthing. :)