The story of the lost

Its confusing but It wont stop being confusing till we find out what happend last night and who Boy and I figgure your already gonna tell us at some point...
Chapter 2 continued continued etc.

It was him alright, or at least it was a centaur. If his story had been true then it could be no other centaur then the one that he had met in the woods yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that. How long had he been unconscious for? Boy was still face down on its back, but if he lifted his head a bit he could see the muscular arms and heroic posture. Or not so heroic, Boy thought, this centaur was a kidnapper, and most probably a liar too.
"Where are you taking me?" Boy coughed. There was no answer. They were definitely not supposed to be there, boy realised as the centaur anxiously looked over his shoulder.
"Keep quiet." He whispered at last. There was something in the urgency and nervousness of the centaur's voice that made Boy unable to talk. Magic, he told himself. So he had been lucky enough to find himself captured by a magician centaur, he had no idea where they were going, and the centaur was afraid of something.
Suddenly the centaur stopped, launching boy forwards so that he crashed into the beast's human torso. Then the great creature stood upon its hind legs, sending boy catapulting to the floor.
"Did you bring him to me?" Boy recognised the deep voice, that was neither his nor the centaurs, from a long time ago. Before he had come to this island.
Finally! The last bit of chapter 2!
"I brought the worthless creature." The centaur replied angrily.
"Where is he then?" The deep voice asked. The centaur stepped away from where Boy lay so that he could be seen.
"Now you are finally in my power." The deep voice sneered.
Chapter 3


"BOY NO!" Fael screamed. Boy was lying helpless on the floor, and a figure that looked like a big black cloud, was gliding towards him. The figure looked towards where the voice had come from, surprised.
"I thought you said that you were going to make sure the girl hated him." He glared at the centaur.
"Well... I tried... But I..." The centaur stammered. "I did make them hate each other but..." He caught sight of the fairy. "It's her fault!" He bellowed. "Capture her, kill her, but do not blame me!" The fairy cried out as if in pain.
"I have a name you know, and how could you betray our... um... agreement by going onto his side?"
"I've never met you before," The centaur stated defiantly.
"Yes you have, we were both members of the... er... Secret thing." She looked suspiciously at the dark cloud. "I'm Ava, the problem fairy! We spoke only yesterday."
"Traitor." Fael muttered and swatted at Ava, "You said you would help me."
"Fael I have to help you, I am bound to your family. And even if I wasn't I would still not be on the side of that." She shuddered and pointed at the dark cloud, which was still frozen in its steps. Ava flew up to Fael's shoulder and whispered in her ear. Whilst Fael nodded calmly.
Adelyna-Small Winged One said:
hmm, help us out? i'm more confused now than before :)
how did Fael get there?
keep posting! i wnat more!
well, you know how sometimes, authors keep information secret? It's like that! lol. That's all I can do to explain it! lol :p
Skandar...u havent been posting...*glares at computer screen*
are u getting bored? dont u dare stop!
just joking. :)
Post more more more more!
haha, I would, but I'm too tired to write any right now and have none left on my computer. I promise to post tommorow though.
Chapter 3 continued!
(note there are spells in this chapter, it isnt very important what they say, but if you want to know read them backwards!)
Ava flew off Fael's shoulder, and hovered in the air detemindly.
"Let the Boy go." She commanded. Neither the centaur nor the black cloud moved.
"Let the Boy go." She repeated louder. "Let him go or suffer." The centaur and the black cloud exchanged a quick look, and then they both started laughing uncontrollably.
"You're so little!" The centaur gasped between laughs. "What can you do to harm us?"
"Teef rouy no llaf!" Declared Ava mightily. The centaur looked down, to find that he had promptly fallen over to follow Ava's words.
"Owch." He muttered.
Rest of the plot worked out: Here comes story
More of Chapter 3
"You don't know me." Ava stated, with some suprise. "How can you have forgotten the sacred... I mean the secret thing?"
"Forgotten? I never knew of it!" The centaur was attempting to pull himself to his feet.
"thgil gnidnilb." A bright white light temporarily blinded everyone. Boy felt someone grab his shoulders and struggled to his feet.
"Thgil..." He muttered quietly.