The story of the lost

oh cool...i love boy! dont ask why; but stuff like this makes me get all excieted. Mysterious people...but one QU, it seems like the blakc cloud should be some really powerful being...yet he doest even try to stop the fairy. whats that?
so good...i wnat more more more....:)
Adelyna-Small Winged One said:
oh cool...i love boy! dont ask why; but stuff like this makes me get all excieted. Mysterious people...but one QU, it seems like the blakc cloud should be some really powerful being...yet he doest even try to stop the fairy. whats that?
so good...i wnat more more more....:)
oh... good point...
he's paralysed :p because boy is so powerful along with Fael and Ava. I need to explain that somewhere...
still on Chapter 3

Boy didn't even know who was leading him, but from the soft and delicate hand that held his own, he knew that it must be a girl. They were still temporarily blinded, but running for their lives, they both knew that when the light cleared both the centaur and the dark cloud would be after them. And no-one could outrun a centaur. Just as few could win a fight with a creature of pure evil; the black cloud.
oh I really hate this! *groans* why can't I write the bit at the end now? It's not fair! I want to tell you who boy is!
Skandar, i voted YES on your poll. i LOVE ur story! i just havent been on lately---busy wiht church and stiff. But i check regulrarly; and i wnat you to keep writing. dont be discouraged! PLEASE dont stop!
and if you really want to tell us who boy is thats okay...*hint hint, nudge nudge* :D
but dont, that will spoil it.
Keep writing!!!
Fael stared out of the window, Boy was sitting behind her, worried.
"Thanks for rescuing me." He whispered. Fael smiled.
"It was no problem, Ava really..." She trailed off. After she had helped Boy to escape they had left Ava on her own with the two evil creatures.
"I'm sure she'll be fine." Boy detected what Fael was thinking. "She's a fairy, she's powerful."
ok, just a sec I'm going to post an update.
Fael shrugged. "I can't help thinking though, if anything happens to her. It will be our fault." Boy shook his head.
"It was her plan, if she doesn't like her own plan it's not our fault."
"But she sacrificed herself for us!" Fael screamed and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
"Wait." Boy shouted running after her. "The words she used were shadow tongue, which means that they are very very poweful, I'm sure she could protect herself." Fael paused, and turned around frowming.
"How do you know shadow tongue?" She asked quietly.
Cliffies! Ahh! No! I love it...sorry I haven't been reading :( My computer wouldn't tell me what had been updated in so I couldn't find stuff....:( Don't stop writing! Oh...would ya mind putting up longer updates? Just cuz you can't get into the mood of the actors in 6 lines...But it is really good, and I understand if you are posting this as you write it out...but I think it would be better if the posts could be longer...
ook a longer update, just for RF! ;)
"I don't know." Boy shrugged. "I guess maybe my parents taught it to me when I was a lot younger."
"But surely, if you can't even remember who you are you won't have remembered an extra language." There was a hint of anger in her voice.
"I don't know..." Boy thought for a moment. "Maybe because Shadow Tongue is the tongue used for magic, the magic of the language manages to weave itself deep into your soul so that you can never forget it." Fael shuddered.
"Creepy, so if you learn it it's irreversible?"
"I think so." Boy answered shortly, anxious to get off the subject.
"Can you teach it to me?" Fael asked.
"No, it's too... deep." Boy was unsure if it was the right word. "Besides, you have princess duties and stuff."
"No fair." Fael argued. "You think I'm not good enough."
yay, skander posted skander posted. oh and lol, u read my story! yay :D too much dialouge? thats what makes it good!!!
okay so keep it up...for a while there i thoguth u called it quits.
Its great! Dont be upset if there is to much dialogue! I read a book where there was no dialogue...the book was good, but it was also sometimes drab because of that...dialogue rocks!