The Wheel Of Time- Robert Jordan

wow, you two bicker like housemaids man. Well i like woman with dark hair as it is, so that i do like in the books. Mmmmmmmmmmmm and mmmmmmmmmmmmm

So far I've read the first book and it was really good, but my parents hardly ever take me to the library so by the time I got the second book it had been a month since I read the first one and I forgot it all. So now I have to get the first and second one from the library, but I guess thats a good thing because apart from haveing a bad memory I'm a very fast reader and start hyperventilating if I can't get something to read.
Ooooooooo!!! Good one drasil. You really should keep reading. Theyre SUCH good books - try stock up when you next do get to go to the library.
Yeah, I'll try to get as many as I can when I go but that probably won't happen for a while. Luckily though my mom promised she wouldn't take me school lothes shopping until I went to the library.
OK guys - its that time again. Time for you to solve Jonny's moral dilemma!!!

Knife of dreams came through the post on Monday! (bites lip until its bleeding to stop himself jumping up and down with infantile giddiness) However, its addressed to my sis, and she made me swear not to open it till she gets back on Friday evening. Now, I've survived 2 days, but its sitting there, taunting me, laughing at me.................. I cant bear it!!! What should I do!?!?
um, give her a few drinks when she comes home and tell her then what happened. You brits can do that right?


PS i gotta go buy that book soon, just got like three books to read right now, i hate my life!
I say, let it taunt you. 'cause how good does it feel when you've restrained yourself, and are then allowed to unleash the fury at a later, and more poignant moment....

(err... no. this conversation is not reminding me of many episodes in my very Geeky past)
thats good for you sam. Geeky past stuff is good humilation for ya. Builds strong character, and then you will be as strong as Lan, but then again if memory serves me correctly you are a female, so hmm, maybe as stubborn then as nynaeve, lol.

...or maybe as fierce as Leandrin!
...or as devious as Padan Fain!
...or as secretive as Moghedien!
...or as horrifying as Ishamael!
...or as wrinkly as Balthamel!

OK - Ill stop...
You know what you said, spouting off names of the forsaken as if they have a good strength.

Actually, only THREE were forsaken. The other two were a twisted worse than evil peddler, and a black ajah lady - so there

Hey!!! Knife of Dreams is super!! The prologue alone is the size of a small book - and its already heating up - Im SOOOOOOO excited!!!
lol! WHB, I love the unspoken 'hah!' behind your WoT corrections. I wouldn't call you sick, myself, maybe just a little teeny eeny weeny bit sad?

I'm kidding! - and I'm certainly in no position to mock. Anyway, I'm glad you've finally had the pleasure of starting the new book- hope it lives up to expectation. I'm still on number 2, so my future is uncertain... will I be a sceptical Johan? Or an ardent WHB?....
oh, and yup. I am indeed a girl- and of all the WoT characters (I've met) I'd most like to be compared to Nynaeve. So it's all good!
Really? I always found her to be the most annoying, interesting, lol. I really think robert jordan hates woman and writes about the ones he knows.

But i'm not on one, i would be on this latest one if picked it up.
