The Wheel Of Time- Robert Jordan

Yeah i know, but i also already have the new book the historian by elizabeth kostova and i hear its suppose to be really good.

Ok, so i skipped out on the historian and i've started reading this book. Its been quite intresting so far. So i'm catching up so we can all talk about it again.

tgraveline said:
Ok, so i skipped out on the historian and i've started reading this book. Its been quite intresting so far. So i'm catching up so we can all talk about it again.

I'm still working on the 4th book. I've been way too busy to read it. I am looking forward to what will happen, though, and *gasp* I am actually interested in Perrin's point of view
Perrin is really cool early on in the series, but then things happen and he becomes more boring to me, lol.

Awwww!!! Tg!! This books awesome! I'm bout half way thru it. The stuff with Mat is the best.......

I'm so excited!!!

Perrin gets more boring because all he does is moan! 'Oh Faile - blah blah blah!!'
Yeah, mat is the man ain't he. I'm like almost 400 pages into the story myself. So i'm probably catching up to you now. So cool stuff and Yes, i have to get to about 550 pages i think till mat's story takes up again. Yeah, he's the only thing worth reading. I just got to a chapter where rand's story picks up again.


PS Perrin needs to become a man again
I used to always love Rand's story until the third book. Then he became boring for me. "I can do everything. I have to be alone. No one shall control me!" It kinda got old.

All I can say is GO MAT! W()()T W()()T!
Wow, it seems that most people like Mat the most as the books come along. Thats the trend i see at least when it comes to guys. Women of course like mat, but they also like the girl characters, but i still stand by the fact that i think that Jordan hates woman, ha ha.

I've just finished the third book, and I can see what you mean about Rand- he's becoming so involved with the whole 'I will not go mad, I will not be a pawn' thing that he's no longer easy to... like, I guess. Still, you know, fair's fair- his life isn't exactly a laugh a minute. I'm still routing for Lan and Nyneave- I love those two. And Loial! he's so great.

Anyway- I love the books. But I now have to start doing reading for college and it's killing me. I could just pick up the fourth one and find out what happens next.... but no, I must restrain myself. :p
RAND IS BORING!!!!!!! Every book his storyline is:

*sit in a palace
*talk to Min
*meet some Nobles
*talk to Lews Therin
*fight some pointless battle
*return to palace to continue sitting, murmumring and disturbing people....

How fun!!! Yes Perrin does need to become a man - he too annoys me. People who rock in book 11 though are - Mat, Nyneave and the person who I cant give away cos it spoils the storyline but who is concerned with the Tower of Genghi, Eelfin and Aelfin and Thom and his letter, and even though they're not 'physically' in the book I think they will be after Min's comment about them..............

........... hopefully tg will know who I mean!?!?!?
I'm pretty sure i know who you mean. I just know though that they dont' truly find out yet in this book or not and it has to be in the next one, which sucks to have to wait so long again.

Ok, i'm starting to kick myself for not finishing this before i started this semester. You guys will have to help me stick with it and stuff. So Jonny, keep me accountable to finding time for it, lol.

I've just bought the first one of the's huge..I was quite chocked standing in the airport book shop...I must admit that I hadn't paid much attention to the 'buzz' about WoT on here until a friend mentioned him, at length, a few days ago...i think i may enjoy!
Come on guys lets keep this up!!!! We can do t. I'll be your personal WoT Trainer - and I dont charge much either!

Yay for the enthusiasm WHB!!!
I'm lving the longness and hhuge amountsness of the books..they are seeing me right during the never ending train and tube rides each day..although I do find myself thinkg..'well that bits like LotR, and that bit might have been pinched from Indiana Jones...'..still it's fun!
Hehe!!! Its really funny cos for like years there was a woman on my bus reading the series, and each time i saw her she was slowly getting further and further through the books. I wanted to be geeky and run and sit next to her and have a good old chinwag. But I was a cool, respected 17 year old Loiner - so I didnt! I strutted to the back and sat with my feet on the backward facing seats - oh yeh! :cool:
These are great books that are not boring but are sadly ending in 2008 with the release of the 12th book. *sigh*

I got Holyboy into the series. Are you still on the fifth or sixth book? =P

Rand gets a bit more boring by the 11th book, but what's going on around him is pretty interesting. I can't say I really like the whole three-women thing, though. Perrin needs to be a bit more interesting, too.
I read smopewhere that Jordan is going to make the 12th books the last no matter what..even if it has to be 2,000 pages long! How on earth am I going to carry that around with me??
I hear Robert Jordan is sick and might die, and that he might not finish the series so that could be why he's limited himself to 12 books.
Or that could be hearsay, I am not an expert on the subject, lol. 2000 pages though? That'll be like the size of those old-fashioned family Bibles that are hardcover and have pictures of Jesus with little children in them.

I must get the last two books which I haven't read yet...I must I must! I love Robert Jordan.