The Willianites Thread

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Well if we are to beat the Skandarnites(even though that is not our main goal here) we should talk about something that will gain is your favorite picture of Will/Peter? Post it; you can have up to 3 faves
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
I haven't thought of posting mine on WMF. I might, if I ever think about it enough.... lol I think I've only had those 2 dreams. It's kinda sad. And then of course you've got Tiff who's had about 50 where she's married him or fallen in love with him or something..... :p


Yeah, we only got married once. hen there was the boarding school one and the boat one, haha yeah, don't laugh, I fell off the boat. and a lot of others...
The other dreams I had were:
1. We went to the same school and We were in the same class where I found out he had a girlfriend. I started crying and was like what do you look for in a girl. He goes well she has to be smart it can't just be about looks.

2. He was at my house signing autographs for me and my family and he took out a picture to autograph for my mom but i saw the pic and it was my favorite pic. so i asked him to autograph it for me so he did so i told him to put on there to lauren(thats my name lol :rolleyes: ) and i spelled it for him lol and then just put something nice but he didn't he just signed his name. then we um lol hugged but it wasn't that good of a hug cause we were both sitting down.
titanicfan said:
The other dreams I had were:
1. We went to the same school and We were in the same class where I found out he had a girlfriend. I started crying and was like what do you look for in a girl. He goes well she has to be smart it can't just be about looks.

2. He was at my house signing autographs for me and my family and he took out a picture to autograph for my mom but i saw the pic and it was my favorite pic. so i asked him to autograph it for me so he did so i told him to put on there to lauren(thats my name lol :rolleyes: ) and i spelled it for him lol and then just put something nice but he didn't he just signed his name. then we um lol hugged but it wasn't that good of a hug cause we were both sitting down.

lol, so you didn't really get to like fall in love with him in your dream, either. mine are so random... its not like i can control them, so i can't just dream that Will loves me!! err it makes me mad!
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
lol, so you didn't really get to like fall in love with him in your dream, either. mine are so random... its not like i can control them, so i can't just dream that Will loves me!! err it makes me mad!

at least you're starting to remember your dreams though! Go Steph!

Every one, I have to go. Well, sort of. I"m going to steph's house (Lucy Queen of Narnia.) I have a feeling we will probably get on, unless your retarded brother gets on, lol.

talk to ya'll later!
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hi everyone! OMGH i have been kind of nervous all day, because there were rumors that there would be a shooting at my school! there wasnt, but there was all this hype, and at the end of the day someone counted, and out of 2700 people, 299 were left. the rest went home.
Crunchine said:
hi everyone! OMGH i have been kind of nervous all day, because there were rumors that there would be a shooting at my school! there wasnt, but there was all this hype, and at the end of the day someone counted, and out of 2700 people, 299 were left. the rest went home.

scary!!!! well I'm glad nothing happened :)
Crunchine said:
hi everyone! OMGH i have been kind of nervous all day, because there were rumors that there would be a shooting at my school! there wasnt, but there was all this hype, and at the end of the day someone counted, and out of 2700 people, 299 were left. the rest went home.

OMGSH thats so scary.

okay I'm really leaving now, lol. bye!
adios. well not really, but anyways....

wow you must go to a big school for there to be that many people. why did everyone think there was going to be a shooting??
Crunchine said:
hi everyone! OMGH i have been kind of nervous all day, because there were rumors that there would be a shooting at my school! there wasnt, but there was all this hype, and at the end of the day someone counted, and out of 2700 people, 299 were left. the rest went home.
WOW!!! Scary :eek: I would have left school too.
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
adios. well not really, but anyways....

wow you must go to a big school for there to be that many people. why did everyone think there was going to be a shooting??

there was a shooting recently, and the first guy arrested attends my school, but he was released when his brother was arrested. there were rumors that the friends of the guy who was killed (a dropout from my school also) were going to come and take revenge on the first guy arrested and his friends
I don't think anything would happen like that at my school... I live in an area full of farmer joes, lol. Then again, I shouldn't be saying anything, because the other school in our county was just vandalized....graffiti,fire extinguishers, super glue... they even framed the seniors from our school (big competitors, our schools are).
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
thats really scary... i don't think i'd want to go to that school very much, lol

its not like that usually
my school is a really great school
there are so many oportunities and courses you can choose from
its really diverse
i love it there.
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
thats really scary... i don't think i'd want to go to that school very much, lol

This is one of the reasons I like being homeschooled...but there is nothing wrong with public or private schools, I've been in both of them
susanpevensie424 said:
This is one of the reasons I like being homeschooled...but there is nothing wrong with public or private schools, I've been in both of them
oh homeschooling must be fun- i went to both too, public until 7th grade and then 7th grade up (i am in 10th) private but i really like it, but there is many a day I wish I was homeschooled!

um i am just talking nonsense about Will to not get this deleted- ok he is amazing and there should be more new pics out there of him, but there aren't any which stinks!!
ilovewilliam said:
oh homeschooling must be fun- i went to both too, public until 7th grade and then 7th grade up (i am in 10th) private but i really like it, but there is many a day I wish I was homeschooled!

um i am just talking nonsense about Will to not get this deleted- ok he is amazing and there should be more new pics out there of him, but there aren't any which stinks!!
I know. I also was checking and no new videos either.
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